
This is the repository of the second assignment of the Distributed Programming II course at Polito, Turin

Primary LanguageJava

Distributed Programming II A.Y. 2017-18

Assignment n. 2

This archive includes:

- README            	This file
- Assignment2.pdf   	The text of Assignment 2
- Neo4JSimpleXML.pdf	The documentation of the Neo4JXML service
- war					The location of the .war file of the Neo4JSimpleXML service
- lib					The location of the jar files necessary for this assignment
- src					The location of source files
- custom				The location of custom files
- build.xml				The ant script for this assignment
- tomcat-build.xml		The ant script for automation of Tomcat operation (included in build.xml)
- neo4j-build.xml		The ant script for automation of NEO4J operation (included in build.xml)
- sol-build.xml			The ant script for generating artifacts for the solution (initially empty)
- xml-examples			The location of XML examples (sample XML message bodies)