Distributed Programming II A.Y. 2017-18 ======================================= Assignment n. 3 - Part b ------------------------ This archive includes: - README This file - Assignment3a.pdf The text of Assignment 3 - Part a - Assignment3b.pdf The text of Assignment 3 - Part b - build.xml The ant script for this assignment - tomcat-build.xml The ant script for tomcat-related targets (included by build.xml) - neo4j-build.xml The ant script for neo4j-related targets (included by build.xml) - custom The location of custom files - doc The folder where you have to put the documentation of your design. - lib The location of the jar files necessary for this assignment - lib-src The location of library sources (to be attached to the corresponding lib jar files in eclipse) - src The location of source files - WebContent The folder including the files used for the deployment to Tomcat - war The location of the .war file of the Neo4JXML service and of the .war file that will be generated - xsd The location of your schema files Setting the work environment for the project -------------------------------------------- After Tomcat installation, make sure the CATALINA_HOME environment variable has been set. You can create a single eclipse java project for this package and then add the jars under lib to the build path. It is also suggested to attach the sources available in lib-src to the corresponding jar library. DO NOT USE tomcat-build.xml directly. Instead use the build.xml (which imports it). Start tomcat by running the start-tomcat target (from build.xml). The other instructions for using build.xml are included in the assignment text.
This is the repository of the third assignment of the Distributed Programming II course at Polito, Turin