Vue3 Scroll-Spy Directive

Scrollspy and animated scroll-to for Vue3, inspired by vue2-scrollspy.
Fork based on previous work done by Benny Guo vue3-scroll-spy


npm i @aleios10/vue3-scroll-spy-composable -S


yarn add @aleios10/vue3-scroll-spy-composable



Supported Package Version
Vue 3+

Use directive via composable SFC

   <ul v-scroll-spy-active v-scroll-spy-link>
      <a>Menu 1</a>
      <a>Menu 2</a>

   <div v-scroll-spy>
      <h1>Header 1</h1>
      <h1>Header 2</h1>
<script setup>
import { useScrollSpy } from 'vue3-scroll-spy-composable';

const { vScrollSpy, vScrollSpyLink, vScrollSpyActive } = useScrollSpy()




Binding scroll-spy to sections (or elements) of a container.

Directive name Description Default
v-scroll-spy="{allowNoActiveSection: true}" When scroll position is outside of the container, active class will be removed. Keep one section stays active at all time.
v-scroll-spy="{offset: 50}" TAdding offset to scroll and active elements. Default: 0
v-scroll-spy="{time: 200, steps: 30}" Set the animation options, time is animation duration, steps is step per frame. {time: 200, steps: 30}


Setting active elements' selector and class properties.

Directive name Description Default
v-scroll-spy-active="{selector: '', class: 'custom-active'}" Customize elements selector and class name. {selector: null, class: 'active'}


Add click handler on children elements allow scrolling to the related section.

Directive name Description Default
v-scroll-spy-link="{selector: ''}" Customize menu links selector. {selector: null, class: 'active'}

Bezier animations

import { useScrollSpy } from 'vue3-scroll-spy-composable';

const { vScrollSpy, vScrollSpyLink, vScrollSpyActive } = useScrollSpy({
   easing: Easing.Cubic.In


  • You should have the same number of children elements for v-scroll-spy, v-scroll-spy-active, v-scroll-spy-link for this directive to work correctly.

Nested sections

Vue3 Scroll-Spy also support multi-leveled sections:

  v-scroll-spy-active="{selector: '', class: 'active'}"
  <li class="menu-item">Item 1</li>
  <li class="menu-item">
    Item 2
      <li class="menu-item">Item 2.1</li>
      <li class="menu-item">Item 2.2</li>

Index changed callback

Support has been added for detecting when the index changed, and what to.

   <ul v-scroll-spy-active v-scroll-spy-link>
      <a>Menu 1</a>
      <a>Menu 2</a>

   <div v-scroll-spy="{indexChanged: myCallback}">
      <h1>Header 1</h1>
      <h1>Header 2</h1>
<script setup>
import { useScrollSpy } from 'vue3-scroll-spy-composable';

const { vScrollSpy, vScrollSpyLink, vScrollSpyActive } = useScrollSpy()

const myCallback = (index) => {
    console.log('Current Index: ', index)


MIT License