
Proximity voice chat client/server where clients have a configurable distance from each other, and audio is adjusted based on this distance

Primary LanguageGo

Blather PkgGoDev

Library for making group calls with spacial/proximity awareness





  • Stream audio to server
  • Server forwards received audio to clients
  • Combine all input sources into single stream
  • Client resamples audio before sending out
  • Add rooms to server for different chat groups
  • Send and receive coordinates with audio data
  • Change volume depending on distance
  • Pan audio depending on location
  • Add rate limiter
  • Adjust sample rate and quality by connection
  • Message signing and encryption
  • Switch server host when server goes down
  • Write Integration Tests
  • Address all NB's and Todo's


Current Problems

  • Increasing delay over time
  • Excessive CPU usage by client