
Kata to practice the usage of different test-doubles

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Mocks, Fakes, Spies and Stubs Kata


  • Java 8
  • Gradle
  • An IDE, I would suggest IntelliJ. For IntelliJ users, check that you are using the latest version

Setup Environment

  1. Clone the repository

    git clone git@github.com:aleixmp/mocks-fakes-spies-and-stubs-kata.git

  2. Check all tests are green ./gradlew test

How is the kata structured ?

  • kata.domain.film: Test-Doubles examples made with Mockito and hand-made examples.
  • kata.domain.user: Support domain to represent the UserId
  • kata.domain.rate: Actual kata.
  • kata.support: InMemoryRepositories

How to do the Kata?

  1. Check the tests at kata.domain.rate.

    You will see the RateServiceTest_<Test Double Type>. Implement each Test following the named pattern. :info: Remember that using two different Test Double types in the same test is allowed.

  2. After you implemented all tests using different Test Double types, change the implementation of RateService. The goal is to break the code and see which tests become red and which keep green. So, you notice which Test Doubles are safer when changing the implementation.


  • Should I expect miss behaviour in the code?

No, but maybe there are bugs in the code. Feel free to open an issue or talk with me for clarification.

  • Should I only use one Test-Double type in each class?

No, it is expected that you have to use a combination of two or more test-double types to achieve the desired behaviour.

Supportive docs