
A combination of various products that enable building user-centric solutions.



An all-in-one solution to take control of your digital identity

identfy by Izertis

Table of content:


identfy is a combination of various products that enable the user-centric solutions. identfy is an implementation of the Self-sovereig identity (SSI) approach based on the standards defined by the W3C for Verifiable Credentials (VC) and Decentralized Identifiers (DID). Based on those standars identfy implements:

  • Holder: we provide a non-custodial Wallet which is available at Holder Wallet.
  • Issuer and Verifier: both of them are entities so, we provide for them an Enterprise Wallet composed by the following components:
  • Verifiable Data Registry: we use Trusted Lists or Distributed Ledger Technology DLT / Blockchain networks.


User Story

Following, there are listed the main functionalities that can be executed at identfy - we are working on it so, currently some of them are not implemented:

  • Onboarding of Entities and Holders: the generation of cryptographic keys and DIDs.
  • Request a Credential to an Issuer and receive the Verifiable Credential.
  • Issuance of Verifiable Credentials
  • Share a Credential with a Verifier.
  • Verify Credentials presented by a Holder.

Technological overview

You can read about the technical specification at Tech Overview

How it works

You can find some screenshots of identfy components at the demostration document. Also, you have a complete demostration video there.


This software is dual-licensed; you can choose between the terms of the Affero GNU General Public License version 3 (AGPL-3.0) or a commercial license. Look at LICENSE file for more information.


identfy and its logo are registered trademarks of Izertis