GitHub Streak

Hello 👾, Welcome to my Github page

I'm a Developer based in Curaçao, currently balancing my university studies with programming I use GitHub to host/backup fun mini-projects that I can return to in my free time.


🔧 Languages and Tools that I can use:

🖥️ My Environments:

VSCode Firefox-Developer-Edition-logo-2013 notepad++git 1024px-Github-desktop-logo-symbol-svg

🌐 Web Development:

html5 js css3 php Word-Press-logotype-wmark bootstrap Word-Press-logotype-wmark

👨‍💻 Object Oriented Programming:

python js csharp

📚 Beginner/Learning:

C++ Rust Assembly

🛠️ Frameworks:

unity odoo-number-symbol-text-logo-transparent-png-1106714

🧩 Miscellaneous/Markup Languages:

bbcode markdown xml-icon xslt-icon Bash-Shell

🎨 Designing Tools:

figma illustrator photoshop premiere-pro-icon

🎁 Extra:

microsoft-powerpoint Excel microsoft-word-document kisspng-google-drive-computer-icons-google-docs-vector-png-google-drive-5ab1173fd5ce04-4249597815215

📈 Github Graph:

Alejandro's github activity graph

📫 How to reach me: