
A preview of Irl Nathan's Activity Overlord 2.0 (complete tutorial of Sails w/ Angular 1)

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A rough preview of Activity Overlord 2.0 (a Sails application) using Angular for the front-end. It includes login, signup, realtime notifications, and presence in Sails... without blueprints this time. (See Irl's screencasts for the full tutorial, starting with blueprints.)

How do I start this thing?

This app is set up out of the box to use Mongo and Redis- you'll need to run mongod and redis-server in two separate terminal tabs/windows before running sails lift in a third terminal tab/window to start it up.

Alternatively, just comment out adapter in config/session.js and change connection: 'someMongodbServer' in config/models.js with connection: 'localDiskDb'.

How does the "presence" work?

This app uses mouse movements to inform the server whether a user is at her keyboard or not. This would be easy to expand to other DOM events like keypresses and window focus.

How do I log in as an admin?

To log in as the built-in default admin user, use a@a.com/123456


MIT © 2015 Mike McNeil and Irl Nathan