
UIImage/NSString categories to quickly convert UIImage objects to Base64 NSString and vice-versa.

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UIImage/NSString categories to quickly convert UIImage objects to Base64 NSString and vice-versa.


Manual installation

  1. Download and drag the category files into your project.
  2. In the Choose options for adding these files dialog, ensure you have Copy files if needed checked.
  3. Import the category header in your view controller class: #import "Base64Tools.h"

CocoaPods installation

  1. Add pod 'Base64Tools' to your Podfile.
  2. Run pod install.
  3. Import the category header in your view controlles class: #import <Base64Tools/Base64Tools.h>

Then you can use the methods as you expect:

UIImage to Base64

// UIImage to Base64
UIImage *myImage = [UIImage imageNamed:@"..."]; // Get the UIImage instance
NSString *base64 = [UIImage base64WithImage:myImage]; // Generate the base64 string (by default with the schema string prepended)
NSLog(@"My image Base64 string is: %@", base64);

// UIImage to Base64 (without data schema prepended)
UIImage *myImage = [UIImage imageNamed:@"..."];
NSString *base64 = [UIImage base64WithImage:myImage prependingSchema:NO]; // YES will produce the same effects as base64WithImage: alone
NSLog(@"My image Base64 string without data schema is: %@", base64);

// UIImage to Base64 (from instance)
UIImage *myImage = [UIImage imageNamed:@"..."];
NSString *base64 = [myImage base64]; // Calling directly on an instance (includes data schema prepended)
NSLog(@"My image Base64 string is: %@", base64);

Base64 to UIImage

// Base64 to UIImage
NSString *base64 = @"..."; // Some Base64 string (should include data schema prepended)
UIImage *myImage = [UIImage imageWithBase64:base64];
NSLog(@"My image from the Base64 string is this instance: %@", myImage);

// Base64 to UIImage (passing the scale factor to the imageWithData:scale: class method from UIImage)
NSString *base64 = @"...";
UIImage *myImage = [UIImage imageWithBase64:base64 scale:2.0f];
NSLog(@"My image from the Base64 string and scale factor %f is this instance: %@", 2.0f, myImage);

UIImage from Base64 (NSString)

NSString *base64 = @"..."; // Some Base64 string (should include data schema prepended)
UIImage *myImage = [base64 imageFromBase64];
NSLog(@"My image from the Base64 string is this instance: %@", myImage);

Check the header files for other methods. Their name are pretty self-explanatory, but if you think they're not, feel free to send updates to this documentation.


  • You're welcome to send updates or bug fixes to this repo. I'll review them and modify parts if necessary.


Alejandro Iván Melo Domínguez @alejandroivan


Base64Tools is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.