This is a MEAN stack app boilerplate (MongoDB, Express, AngularJS and Node.js) based on Express app skeleton.
This micro web application consist on a SPA (single page application) for managing fruits.
Each fruit will have name, description and price attributes.
Users will have username and password.
- demo username: han_solo
- demo password: chewbacca
Backend will be implement with MongoDB database, running on
Mongoose will be used as ODM in this project. Only two schemas will be defined, one defining a fruit and the other one definig a basic user profile.
Jade template engine will be used for rendering views. Only one generic layout, one mixins file a an index page will be included.
AngularJS will be used as frontend framework. Each view will have its controller.
Communication with model will be implemented with AJAX instead of a data factory or provider to show of API reusability for mobiles apps, etc.
- body-parser ~1.13.2
- cookie-parser ~1.3.5
- debug ~2.2.0
- express ~4.13.1
- jade ~1.11.0
- morgan ~1.6.1
- serve-favicon ~2.3.0
- mongoose ~4.3.0
- i18next 1.10.3
DB connection string is hardcoded. I know it should be set as an ENV var, but it´s hardcoded due to simplicity matters for the demo.
Run npm test
to execute tests. Included tests:
- User unit tests
- User integration tests
- Fruit unit tests
- Fruit integration tests
- Store user password hash instead of the actual password in plain text
- Responsive design
- Retina graphics (@2x)
- Upgrade i18next (deprecated)