Passionate about studying mathematics and physics while coding to build and share software.
@TheColvinCo Barcelona
Pinned Repositories
Personal readme
A php DDD project done just for learn ;)
This repository contains a collection of dotfiles that correspond to the personalized configuration settings and preferences for various applications, such as zsh, neovim, i3, polybar and other utilities. This allows dotfiles to be easily transferred to other machines, allowing the user to maintain a consistent setup across multiple devices
Escape Me is a react native app that allows people to discover new escape rooms and share their experiences, also this app will be useful for people who wants rate, comment or visit the website of specific escape rooms. Also users can add escape rooms in a TO DO list, a FAVORITES list or in a DONE list. With this app you can follow other people to know which escape rooms have they made and which escape rooms are their favorites.
My final project of industrial engineering is a study about different data mining and machine learning techniques, like Logistic Regression, Decision Tree and SVM with linear kernel. In this project, I try to predict if the students of my career (Indudrial Engineering) will pass or not the first 6 subjects of the second year. I use as a predictor features: the marks obtained the first year, the attemps needed to pass every first year subject and the access note to the career.
This is a project built for learning Firebase. The project is designed to provide hands-on experience and practical examples for understanding Firebase's capabilities in developing web applications.
An example of a nodejs project automated to be deployed to gcp using helm with github actions ;)
A simple command-line tool written in Rust that helps you localize queries in files by displaying which files and lines have generated the given queries.
This repository is a collection of configuration files and settings that will be used to customize and set up the Neovim text editor
This repository is dedicated to the solutions and discussions of exercises from the renowned computer science book "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs" (SICP).
alejandromc23's Repositories
This repository is a collection of configuration files and settings that will be used to customize and set up the Neovim text editor
Personal readme
Escape Me is a react native app that allows people to discover new escape rooms and share their experiences, also this app will be useful for people who wants rate, comment or visit the website of specific escape rooms. Also users can add escape rooms in a TO DO list, a FAVORITES list or in a DONE list. With this app you can follow other people to know which escape rooms have they made and which escape rooms are their favorites.
An example of a nodejs project automated to be deployed to gcp using helm with github actions ;)
A php DDD project done just for learn ;)
This repository contains a collection of dotfiles that correspond to the personalized configuration settings and preferences for various applications, such as zsh, neovim, i3, polybar and other utilities. This allows dotfiles to be easily transferred to other machines, allowing the user to maintain a consistent setup across multiple devices
My final project of industrial engineering is a study about different data mining and machine learning techniques, like Logistic Regression, Decision Tree and SVM with linear kernel. In this project, I try to predict if the students of my career (Indudrial Engineering) will pass or not the first 6 subjects of the second year. I use as a predictor features: the marks obtained the first year, the attemps needed to pass every first year subject and the access note to the career.
This is a project built for learning Firebase. The project is designed to provide hands-on experience and practical examples for understanding Firebase's capabilities in developing web applications.
An example of a nodejs project automated to be deployed on gke through github actions ;)
A simple command-line tool written in Rust that helps you localize queries in files by displaying which files and lines have generated the given queries.
Nest framework TypeScript starter repository. This is an app example with an endpoint for saving messages and also a cron that calls same service.
Strongly typed, full-featured, light, versatile yet powerful Twitter API v1.1 and v2 client for Node.js.
This repository is dedicated to the solutions and discussions of exercises from the renowned computer science book "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs" (SICP).
This is an example of web scraping with pyhton, in this case we obtain the data from We obtain all the data of visitant basket teams during the season 18-19.
NodeJS repository for hands-on exploration of gRPC, a high-performance remote procedure call framework
This project is an implementation of a parallax effect using Nuxt 3.
This repository contains implementations of various data structures and algorithms in Rust, created as part of a learning process.