
Ruby library for generating pretty docx files.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


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Puredocx allows you to create docx files and assign images, text and tables to it.


To install puredox gem type the following:

$ gem 'puredocx'

Document building

You can create 'example.docx' by creating PureDocx object:

PureDocx.create('../example.docx', paginate_pages: 'right') do |doc|
    doc.text('header', style: [:italic], size: 28, align: 'left'),
    doc.image('../images/logo.jpg', width: 100, in_header: true)

    doc.text('text', style: [:bold], size: 32, align: 'center'),
    doc.image('../images/logo.jpg', width: 100),
    doc.table(table, table_options)

doc.header method will generate header for the docx document and doc.content - its content. If you want to pass more than one image with text in the content or in the header, assign them in the correct sequence inside the array. There are 4 types of methods to prepare xml:

  • text - prepares xml for text;
  • image - prepares xml for image. It's very important to add in_header: true into image options for image inside the header!
  • table - prepares xml for table;
  • brake - prepares xml for brake line;
  • new_page - prepares xml to move cursor to another page.

You can specify the footer position in paginate_pages option. It can be 'left', 'right' or 'center'.

Table preparation

If you want to insert table into the document you shold prepare table data as shown below. This mast be an array of rows. Each row contains column object with some parameters. Every columns element will start from a new line.

You should create an object table_options also, to add some styles to the table. This object accepts 3 keys:

  • table_width - an integer number, that represents table width(maximum table width by default);
  • paddings - a hash of values({ top: 10, left: 20}), that represents table paddings(all values equal 0 by default);
  • sides_without_border - an array of symbols, that specify sides, that should be hidden;
  • bold_sides - an array of symbols, that specify sides, that should be bold;
  • col_width - an array of strings and nils. The maximum width of the table should be 10400 according to the document's width. The number elements inside the array must be the same, as the number of columns in the table. If you want to specify only one column's width, pass nil in place of other elements, and their width will be calculated automaticly.

If you want to insert table2 with options into another table, you should prepare data for this table and add it to the right column. It is important to set width for nested table(table_width parameter). Look at the following example:

  table = [
      { column: [doc.text('first column, first row')] },
        column: [
          doc.text('second column a, first row'),
          doc.text('second column b, first row'),
          doc.text('second column c, first row')
      { column: [doc.image('../image.jpg', width: 500)] }
        column: [
          doc.table(table2, table2_options),
      { column: [doc.text('second column, second row')] },
      { column: [doc.text('third column, second row')]  }

  table_options = {
    table_width: 4000,
    sides_without_border: [:left, :top, :right, :insideH, :insideV],
    bold_sides: [:bottom],
    col_width:  [nil, 2852, nil]

This example shows how to create the table data and it's options.

You can see generated docx file example here example.docx

Puredocx gem works fine with Microsoft Word 2016 and Libre Office.



Free Software

About JetRuby


puredocx is maintained and founded by JetRuby Agency, inc.

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