
A log of OWG activites, to help create our monthly reports to the OSMF

Primary LanguageCSS


This repository holds the logs for the operations working group. We're using a git repo since that's what we're used to. It also allows other people to make pull requests if they want to, sidesteps permissions issues on wikis, and generally just lowers the bar to contribution.

If you just want to read the reports, see https://gravitystorm.github.io/owg-log/

Contributing to reports

The reports are organised per calendar month, and are found in the _posts directory.

Via github.com

When you're viewing a report, just click on the "Edit" button on the github.com UI, and submit a pull request.

Via prose.io

You can also edit the reports using prose.io, if you'd prefer a wysiwyg editor

Via git

You can clone this repo and make changes locally, if you prefer. All the work happens on the gh-pages branch.

To preview your changes, install the dependencies with

bundle install

and then run

jekyll serve -w --baseurl ''

The site is then available at http://localhost:4000/ and will update automatically when you change any files.