Systems Engineering I - Assignment #2

In order to complete the tasks below, please fill the gaps code wise in the files given in the repository. Note: You can use any favorite editor or IDE to accomplish those tasks.


Container #1:
  • Base image: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
  • SSH Server
  • memcached v1.4.33 (build from source)
  • Expose ports for SSH Server and memcached (for other container)
  • Run container as user Ubuntu (id=1000) instead of root
Container #2:
  • Base image: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
  • SSH Server – expose port to external port 10022
  • memcached benchmark client (mcperf)
  • Dude & R
  • Run container as user Ubuntu (id=1000) instead of root
  • Add my ssh public key in addition to yours – see below
Docker compose
  • Use Docker compose to get the communication between the containers running as well as the experiment.
The experiment script/work flow
  • dude run:
  • ssh to the memcached server (container #1) to launch memcached
  • Launch the benchmark client (locally - container #2)
  • Grab the output from the benchmark client using cut etc. magic: "Response rate", "Response time [ms] avg" - Dude dimensions: rate
  • dude sum: summarizes the output - single csv file
  • The plot the graphs $ Rscript ….R

Test it using the following command sequence:


sudo docker-compose up -d
ssh ubuntu@ -p 10022 "./"
scp -P 10022 ubuntu@*.pdf .
evince graph*.pdf
sudo docker-compose down

General Notes

  • Solutions must be turned in no later than 11:59pm AOE, 23rd of Dec‘19! No late days or other excuses.
  • Commit & PUSH!!! to your bitbucket repository before the deadline. Don't forget the push.
  • No team work. We check for plagarism and will let you fail if there is an indication given.
  • Ask questions at auditorium if there are any.

My ssh-public-key:

ssh-rsa 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