This app handles the back end of the application (tracker_app), allowing the front end to create users and then for each user creates their own tracking exercise with description, duration and a date.
- NodeJS
- Express
- mongoose (mongoDB)
GET : /users
GET : /users/:id
POST : /users/add
GET : /exercises
GET : /exercises/:id
POST : /exercises/add
DELETE : /exercises/:id
PUT : /exercises/:id
To get a local copy up and follow these simple example steps.
- Local Machine installed
- A code editor as Visual Studio, Sublime,etc.
Please make a local copy of this repo by typing this command on your terminal.
git clone
Then, go to the folder created with this command:
cd tracker_app_nodejs
npm install
to install all necessary dependencies.
npm run start
to start the server on the local machine.
👤 Alejandro Toledo
- GitHub: @alejandrotoledoweb
- Twitter: @alejot
- LinkedIn: Alejandro Toledo
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
This project is MIT licensed.