System fixtures
A collection of Python fixtures to fake out various system resources (processes, users, groups, etc.).
Each fake resource typically behaves as an "overlay" on the real resource, in that it can be programmed with fake behavior for a set of inputs, but falls back to the real behavior for the rest.
>>> import pwd
>>> from systemfixtures import FakeUsers
>>> users = FakeUsers()
>>> users.setUp()
>>> pwd.getpwnam("foo")
Traceback (most recent call last):
KeyError: 'getpwnam(): name not found: foo'
>>> users.add("foo", 123)
>>> info = pwd.getpwnam("foo")
>>> info.pw_uid
>>> users.cleanUp()
Support and Documentation
See the online documentation for a complete reference.
Developing and Contributing
See the GitHub project. Bugs can be filed in the issues tracker.