
Scaffolding for Joomla! 3 - is to create a component, models, controllers, views or mvc with few steps.

Primary LanguagePHP


Scaffolding for Joomla! 3 - is to create a component, models, controllers, views or mvc with few steps.


npm install


Execute and follow the steps:

npm run-script generate
# Options
? What do you want to generate? ...
Admin Component
Admin MVC
Admin Controller
Admin Model
Admin View
Site Component

After that see in dist folder. When you use Joomla Admin MVC or Model the version should be upper than the current one in your component.

I recommend running in the following order:

1. Create Admin Component
2. Create Site Component
// After 1 and 2 we hace a simple component with 1 mvc.
3. Create Admin MVC
// It creates a new Model, View and Controller with Languages (if it already exists it will be appended, otherwise it will create a new one) and SQL (same as language)