Welcome to k20 - Kismet to OSC AUTHORS lorenz schori lo@znerol.ch alejo duque alejo.duque@europeangraduateschool.net WARNING k20 is in early development state and it's far from complete. see BUGS and TODO list for more info. DESCRIPTION k20 is a bridge between the wireless network detector kismet and the open sound control protocol. currently it consists of two programs: k2orec acts as a kismet client. it connects to a kismet server via tcp and logs the output to a textfile. the file consists of a timestamp and an osc-message per line. k2oplay reads this file and sends the messages to the specified osc-targets. k20 is written in c and only depends on liblo, the lightweight OSC implementation. k20 runs on macos x (see BUGS) and linux. other platforms are not tested. LINKS k20 Homepage: http://znerol.ch/k2o/ OSC Homepage: http://cnmat.berkeley.edu/OpenSoundControl/ Kismet Homepage: http://www.kismetwireless.net/ BUILDING K20 - install newest liblo either using your package manager or from source. - cd into k2o source folder - run ./configure - run make - optionally run make install - if you encounter errors try to run autoreconf -i RUNNING K20 run k2orec and redirect the standard output to a file. optionally you can specify the address of the kismet server on the command line using the -k option. run k2oplay with outputfile of k2orec as the first parameter followed by a variable list of osc-targets (i.e. osc.udp://localhost:12345). with the -p option you can specify an udp port on which k2oplay will listen for incomming osc-messages which let you control k20 remotely: - /k2o/setrate <newrate> sets the playbackrate to the float value newrate. 0.0 - stop, 1.0 play in normal speed. - /k2o/setpos <newpos> not implemented yet. BUGS - due to a bug in liblo k2oplay does not send propper osc-messages on macos x - k2orec does not handle ssids containing spaces correctly. LICENCE kismet2osc is free software. Please see the file COPYING for details.