
DTrace script to print SCSI sense data for illumos

Primary LanguageDTrace

scsi_kcq.d - A script to print scsi sense data (errors) as it's received, with useful
           details such as execname issuing the failing command, what the command is,
           which device the command reached, what the KCQ is and the failed commands CDB.
           Written using DTrace (NexentaOS_134f)

 USAGE: scsi_kcq.d [device]
	scsi_kcq.d	   * print default output - live errors on all drives plus aggregation of errors at the end
	scsi_kcq.d sd2     * print default output only for disk sd2

	DEVICE			name of the device the command was issue to
	EXECNAME		name of the executable which issued the command that offended the disk
	<*>SENSE(ERR) CATEGORY	a string representation of the mode sense key indicating type of error. * indicates descriptor format sense data
	KEY			mode sense key in hex
	ASC			additional sense code in hex
	ASCQ			additional sense code qualifier in hex
	TIMESTAMP		wallclock time when the sd_decode_sense:entry probe fired
	SCSI CMD		a string indicating what the offending  scsi command was
	CMD CDB			SCSI CDB for the command that generated the KCQ
	KCQ STRING		the translation of the key, asc, and ascq (KCQ) sense data fields
	COUNT			number of times the above fields were identical (aggregation on the above fields without CDB)

NOTE: this script does not track "Predictive Failure Analysis threshold reached" KCQ.