
An introspection tool which can be used to browse and see inside your python code objects.

Primary LanguagePython


An introspection tool which can be used to browse and see inside your python code objects. Only python3 supported at the moment.

To pip install:

pip install git+https://github.com/alek5k/intra.git

OPTION 1 - Quick Inspection

Does not provide the ability to customize which objects appear in the viewer. See picture in next section for an example of the UI.

from intra.ui import quick_inspect

OPTION 2 - Configure Inspection

Expanded way of introspecting and placing objects in the viewer. Provides more configurability.

from intra.ui import IntraUI
from intra.core import introspect

# have some objects you want to analyze
my_obj = SomeObject()
another_obj = AnotherObject()

# perform the introspection. This gives you an IntrospectionResult which you can then view via command line or UI. This example will show you how its used in a UI.
inspection1 = introspect(my_obj)
inspection2 = introspect(another_obj)

# create the UI container.
ui = IntraUI()

# View the inspections using the UI. You can add multiple inspections to the same viewer. You can also create multiple viewers.
viewer = ui.createViewer("My Viewer Title")

ui inspection

OPTION 3 - Command line only

For when you're only able to use the command line. Attempts to create a treeview with colors for each element type.

from intra.core import introspect
from intra.cmdline import iprint

inspection1 = introspect(my_obj)

cmdline inspection



You have the ability to ask the introspection tool to recurse through objects. This will only work if you do not have circular references, otherwise an error will be thrown.

This can be done by providing a recurse option to the introspect method:

inspection = introspect(my_obj, recurse=True)

Context Menus - Further introspection & docstrings

You can right click the entries to further introspect nested objects. They will appear in a new window. You can also view the docstring of the attribute.

context menus