
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Grunt Marker (custom HTML element tags for building emails)

Inspired by ZURB Inky, light, responsive and bulletproof version.

Marker module simplifies the way you write code for e-mails. It introduces a simplified markup that is converted to the e-mail friendly HTML.


	<column>column content</column>
	<column>column content</column>


<table class="row">
		<td class="column first">column content</td>
		<td class="column last">column content</td>

Any attributes applied on row tag will be transfered on table tag, attributes on column tag on td.

MSO conditionned table

Add the responsive attribute on row tag and it will output a table/div html with <!--[if mso]--> and <!--[if !mso]> comments.

<row responsive>
	<column>column content</column>
	<column>column content</column>


<!--[if !mso]><!----><div class="row responsive-table mso"><!-- <![endif]-->
	<!--[if mso]><table class="row responsive-table mso"><tbody><![endif]--><!--[if mso]><tr><![endif]-->
		<!--[if mso]><td class="column first responsive"><![endif]-->
			<!--[if !mso]><!----><div class="column first responsive"><!-- <![endif]-->column content<!--[if !mso]><!----></div><!-- <![endif]-->
		<!--[if mso]></td><![endif]-->
		<!--[if mso]><td class="column last responsive"><![endif]-->
			<!--[if !mso]><!----><div class="column last responsive"><!-- <![endif]-->column content<!--[if !mso]><!----></div><!-- <![endif]-->
		<!--[if mso]></td><![endif]-->
<!--[if mso]></tr><![endif]--><!--[if mso]></tbody></table><![endif]--><!--[if !mso]><!----></div><!-- <![endif]-->

Lists (ul/ol + li)

Just write your lists as you always do Marker will convert it into structured tables for bulletproof usage in e-mails.





<table class="ul list"><tbody>
	<tr class="li-item"><td class="li li-bullet">&#x2022;</td><td class="li li-content">item</td></tr>
	<tr class="li-item"><td class="li li-bullet">&#x2022;</td><td class="li li-content">item</td></tr>





<table class="ol list"><tbody>
	<tr class="li-item"><td class="li li-bullet">1.</td><td class="li li-content">item</td></tr>
	<tr class="li-item"><td class="li li-bullet">2.</td><td class="li li-content">item</td></tr>

Parameters (attributes)

All attributes are transferred:

  • from ul/ol tag to table
  • from li tag to tr

Spacial attributes for configuration (ul only)

  • bullet allows to define a specific bullet symbol or an image
    • image bullet="path/to/the/image.png". We recommend to use it with bullet-alt attribute.
    • symbol/character bullet=">"
  • bullet-alt allows to provide the alt attribute for the bullet image, so your list will have bullets if images are not displayed
	<ul bullet="path/to/the/image.png" bullet-alt=">"><li>item</li><ul>
	<table bullet="img/path/image.png" bullet-alt="&gt;" class="ul list"><tbody>
	<tr class="li-item"><td class="li li-bullet"><img src="path/to/the/image.png" alt="&gt;"></td><td class="li li-content">item</td></tr>


Bulletproof buttons using old Microsoft VLM vectors (depreciated in web today but still used in the Ms Office)


<btn-vml class="btn btn-default" href="#" collorfill="#CCCCCC">btn-default</btn-vml>


<div class="btn btn-default">
	<!--[if mso]><v:roundrect btnvlm xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" xmlns:w="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word" class="btn btn-default" href="#" collorfill="#CCCCCC" ><w:anchorlock/><center>btn-default</center></v:roundrect><![endif]-->
	<a href="#">btn-default</a>

VML RoundRect Atributes

  • fillcolor {hex color}: sets the background color of the v:roundrect element
  • filled="f" : no fill color
  • arcsize {%}: sets the corner radius of the v:roundrect element (in percents)
  • stroked="false": removes the border of the v:roundrect element
  • strokecolor {hex color}: sets the color of the border of the v:roundrect element
  • strokeweight {pt}: border width in points (pt)

Full doc: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/documentformat.openxml.vml.roundrectangle(v=office.14).aspx

Button SCSS:

.btn {
	[btnvml] {
		height: $height;
		width: $width;
		font-size: $font-size;
		v-text-anchor: middle;
	center {
		font-family: $font-family;
		font-weight: $btn-font-weight;
		color: $btn-default-color;;
	a {
		display: inline-block;
		width: $width;
		padding: $padding-vertical $padding-horizontal;
		border-radius: $border-radius;
		font-size: $font-size;
		line-height: $height;
		color: $btn-default-color;
		font-family: $font-family;
		font-weight: $btn-font-weight;
		text-align: center;
		text-decoration: none;
		-webkit-text-size-adjust: none;
		mso-hide: all;
		background-color: $background;