
Runs a Tailscale node on a Balena device

Setup and configuration

Use this as standalone with the button below:

tailscale block deploy with balena

Or add the following service to your docker-compose.yml:

TODO: add Docker image for deployment

You'll need to provide a valid Auth Key to the tailscale service in the TAILSCALE_KEY variable. An Auth Key can be created in the Tailscale Dashboard.


Tailscale is described as a secure network that just works. It uses WireGuard to tunnel traffic between hosts.

(Potential) Improvements

  • Provide Docker image for the block
  • Be smarter when TAILSCALE_KEY is not yet set in Balena
  • Provide additional configuration options
    • subnet routing
    • ...
  • Expose some tags in Tailscale?
  • Expose some tags in Balena?
  • Support kernel networking (instead of just userspace; also see hslatman/tailscale-balena-rpi)
  • Some easy way for checking that Tailscale tunnel works?
  • A way to refresh/reauth tailscaled state on command?
  • ...


WireGuard is a registered trademark of Jason A. Donenfeld.