BGLAPI Server is based on BTCAPI Server
BGLAPI Server is a server platform for working with Bitgesell blockchain and the network. This project is free and open source and can be used to build various services, both non-commercial and commercial, without any legal restrictions.
BGLAPI can be used as a backend for wallets, block explorers, payment processing and analytical platforms.
You can run BGLAPI as a self-hosted solution, or use a third-party public host.
- Python 3.3.3+
- BGL Core 0.1.2+
- Docker
Note: Subscription for new transactions is requires that BGL node being compiled with ZeroMQ support.
Setup your configs in bglapiserver/config (files with “.template” save as with same filename without “.template")
Create 3 containers (files with “.template” save as with same filename without “.template"):
- bglapi-server-postgres
Use and files in bglapiserver/postgres folder
- bglapi-engine
Use and files in bglapiserver/app folder
- bglapi-server
Use and files in bglapiserver/api folder
- Transaction store and provide information about all bitcoin transactions
- Merkle proof store and provide cryptographic proofs of the existence of a transactions in a blocks
- Transaction history store and provide historical transactions data for addresses
- Address state store and provide state of addresses
Address timeline store and provide addresses state changes over time by transaction, day and monthBlockchain analytica store and provide blockchain analytic- Mempool analytica store and provide unconfirmed transactions set analytic
- Transaction fee analytica store and provide transactions fee estimation data
Nodes discovery discover and provide list of available bitcoin nodesMarket data fetch and provide markets dataDeterministic wallet store and provide HD wallets state and historical dataPayment forwarding engine for payments forwarding serviceHot wallet engine for wallet service
Please see full API documentation
API implementation is available at the endpoint
$ curl --request GET \
> --url \
> --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
{"data": {"height": 64548,
"hash": "0009412faa0aaeaa14d1656d7cfb3d64efcbdea177802f644d28963d3d046314",
"header": "AAAAID+5ZkcxH89locKRol1kXso0V244MnWcIc2IE769RwUAXeEnhzp6M3+iPt1LPc2vkGl+17SaSSHz6ErMHluVGH6FYfFi//8PH4sdAAAE",
"adjustedTimestamp": 1659986309},
"time": 0.0062}
Thanks madnadyka for support.