The module provides various sinks and widgets to allow interaction with the live GNU Radio applications remotely over the network. The module uses Bokeh's client API and streaming features. Using widgets and plots from Bokeh, the module enables the GUI for GNU Radio that renders in web browser. Just like gr-qtgui
, it is fully integrated with GRC to allow easy use.
The module was developed as a part of Google Summer of Code 2017 by Kartik Patel. This fork extends it for gnuradio 3.8 and updates it.
- GNU Radio 3.8 (should contain commit@b23bfe9)
- Bokeh library v1 (Tested on v1.4.0)
$ pybombs install gr-bokehgui
The pybombs recipe is not up to date with the present repository, please build from source.
- Make sure that you have satisfied all dependency listed above.
- Clone the latest code
$ git clone
- Build with CMake:
$ cd gr-bokehgui/
$ mkdir build
$ cd build/
$ cmake ../
$ make
$ make test
$ sudo make install
The complete tutorial for the module is available here. The tutorial covers setting up guide, using sinks and widgets in GRC and guide to the placement of the elements.
The output should be as follows:
The following Youtube video provides quick glance over the module and basic procedures.
Kindly report any bugs or issues on Github.
If you want to contribute to the module, feel free to add the pull request. Please read the contribution guidelines of GNU Radio here.
For queries or feedbacks, drop a mail to discuss-gnuradio.
The project is licensed under GPLv3. See LICENSE for terms.