
Polish-English neural machine translation at the character-level

Primary LanguagePython

Polish-English character-level Neural Machine Translation system

A sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) machine translation model with global attention. Uses a character-level convolutional encoder to create word embeddings, thus capturing the complex morphology of the Polish language better and enabling informally spelled words (e.g. social media jargon) to be represented. Additionally, uses a character-level LSTM decoder for out-of-vocabulary words, allowing transliteration and rare-word reconstruction.

Installing dependencies

This program is written in Python 3.7. Please use pip package manager to install the necessary dependencies (it is recommended to install them in a virtual environment like venv). It is best to execute the following commands sequentially.

Pytorch installation, together with its required dependencies:

pip3 install torch===1.3.1 torchvision===0.4.2 -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html

Installing the other requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Retrieve and preprocess data:

python preprocessing.py

Vocabulary generation:

python vocab.py --train-src=./pl_en_data/pl_train.txt --train-tgt=./pl_en_data/en_train.txt vocab.json

Running tests (remove --cuda if no GPU is available; requires pre-trained parameters):

python run.py decode model.bin ./pl_en_data/pl_test.txt ./pl_en_data/en_test.txt outputs/test_outputs.txt --cuda

Training the model:

python run.py train --train-src=./pl_en_data/pl_train.txt --train-tgt=./pl_en_data/en_train.txt --dev-src=./pl_en_data/pl_dev.txt --dev-tgt=./pl_en_data/en_dev.txt --vocab=vocab.json --cuda

Note: This code is in part adapted from course assignments.