Make it possible to overwrite the "src" folder with the name of your choice
AndyDragon1998 opened this issue · 3 comments
AndyDragon1998 commented
Currently the .c and .h files are by default expected in a file named src. Which most likely is a throwback to how Visual Studio or CodeBlocks handles most of the program text.
This is however a small eyesore to projects made with notepad and terminal.
I propose a system where by default the src remains as it is, however users have the ability to overwrite this folders name in the makefile if they want to do so.
Thank you!
Sincerely, Drakonchik!
RetroAntho commented
The case has been manage by @kobenairb in this commit on develop branch : d794667
It should works if you set the SRC variable before the include of snes_rules :
include ${PVSNESLIB_HOME}/devkitsnes/snes_rules)
alekmaul commented