
Parallel QuadTree Algorithm Implementation for Image Segmentation using MapReduce.

Primary LanguageJava


Parallel QuadTree Algorithm Implementation for Image Segmentation using MapReduce.

The quadtree algorithm for image segmentation presented in this report has been implemented using Java language. This implementation uses a propietary MapReduce framework for which the provided JAR library file MapReducev5.jar must be included in the class-path (also with the apache common utilities commons-collections-4-4.1.jar which includes the MultiValueMap data structure).

The implemented program can be compiled and executed as follows:


javac -cp commons-collections4-4.1.jar:MapReducev5.jar:. ImageSegm.java


java -cp commons-collections4-4.1.jar:MapReducev5.jar:. ImageSegm threshold inputImage outputImage numMapThreads numRedThreads

The submitted source code folder for this assignment contains the following subfolders:


This folder contains the source codes for the sequential algorithm implementation.


This folder contains the source codes for the parallel algorithm implementation using MapReduce.