
R package for fast and easy Eurostat data import and search

Primary LanguageR

eurodata – R package for fast and easy Eurostat data import and search

Aleksander Rutkowski

NEW (May 2023):

The package is fully compatible with the new Eurostat’s API SDMX 2.1 and no longer relies on the old Eurostat’s Bulk Download Facility.

NEW (January 2023):

Use eurodata_codegen, a point-and-click app for rapid and easy generation of richly-commented R code, to import a Eurostat dataset or it's subset (based on the eurodata::importData() function).

The core API of the eurodata package contains just 6 functions – 4 for data or metadata imports and 2 for search:

Import functionality:

  • importData – fast thanks to data.table::fread
  • importDataLabels – as above
  • importMetabase – as above
  • importDataList – reflects the hierarchical structure of the Eurostat tree of datasets – fast transformation of the raw Table of Contents file is based on a C++ code snippet compiled via Rcpp

Search functionality:

  • browseDataList – based on importDataList, shows an HTML table (generated with xtable::xtable) in a browser with a list of the found datasets
  • find – based on importDataList, shows a textual report on the found datasets – a ``quick-n-dirty’’ way to find a Eurostat dataset without much typing (with a keyword or a few keywords)

NEW (December 2022):

Parameter filters in importData() allows to download only the selected values of dimensions, instead of downloading the full dataset. See the example close to the end below.

NEW (August 2022) Extra functionality:

  • describe – describe a given Eurostat dataset on the basis of information from Metabase
  • compare – compare specific Eurostat datasets on the basis of information from Metabase

See the usage example at the very end below.


install.packages('eurodata') # from CRAN
# or
remotes::install_github('alekrutkowski/eurodata') # package 'remotes' needs to be installed

Functionality demo

## Attaching package: 'eurodata'

## The following object is masked from 'package:utils':
##     find


x <- importData('nama_10_a10')  # actual dataset
## Classes 'EurostatDataset' and 'data.frame':  1164237 obs. of  8 variables:
##  $ freq       : Factor w/ 1 level "A": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##  $ unit       : Factor w/ 28 levels "CLV_I05","CLV_I10",..: 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 ...
##  $ nace_r2    : Factor w/ 12 levels "A","B-E","C",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##  $ na_item    : Factor w/ 4 levels "B1G","D1","D11",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##  $ geo        : Factor w/ 45 levels "AL","AT","BA",..: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ...
##  $ TIME_PERIOD: Factor w/ 47 levels "1975","1976",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##  $ value_     : num  NA NA NA NA NA ...
##  $ flags_     : chr  ":" ":" ":" ":" ...
##  - attr(*, "EurostatDatasetCode")= chr "nama_10_a10"
##  - attr(*, "DownloadTime")= POSIXct[1:1], format: "2022-12-14 14:52:11"
##    freq       unit nace_r2 na_item geo TIME_PERIOD value_ flags_
## 1     A CLV05_MEUR       A     B1G  AT        1975     NA      :
## 2     A CLV05_MEUR       A     B1G  BA        1975     NA      :
## 3     A CLV05_MEUR       A     B1G  BE        1975     NA      :
## 4     A CLV05_MEUR       A     B1G  BG        1975     NA      :
## 5     A CLV05_MEUR       A     B1G  CH        1975     NA      :
## 6     A CLV05_MEUR       A     B1G  CY        1975     NA      :
## 7     A CLV05_MEUR       A     B1G  CZ        1975     NA      :
## 8     A CLV05_MEUR       A     B1G  DE        1975     NA      :
## 9     A CLV05_MEUR       A     B1G  DK        1975 1031.4       
## 10    A CLV05_MEUR       A     B1G  EA        1975     NA      :
y <- importDataList()  # metadata
##  [1] "Data subgroup, level 0"      "Data subgroup, level 1"      "Data subgroup, level 2"     
##  [4] "Data subgroup, level 3"      "Data subgroup, level 4"      "Data subgroup, level 5"     
##  [7] "Data subgroup, level 6"      "Data subgroup, level 7"      "Dataset name"               
## [10] "Code"                        "Type"                        "Last update of data"        
## [13] "Last table structure change" "Data start"                  "Data end"                   
## [16] "Link"
str(y[y$Code=='nama_10_a10',])  # metadata on x
## Classes 'EurostatDataList' and 'data.frame': 1 obs. of  16 variables:
##  $ Data subgroup, level 0     : chr "Database by themes"
##  $ Data subgroup, level 1     : chr "Economy and finance"
##  $ Data subgroup, level 2     : chr "National accounts (ESA 2010)"
##  $ Data subgroup, level 3     : chr "Annual national accounts"
##  $ Data subgroup, level 4     : chr "Basic breakdowns of main GDP aggregates and employment (by industry and by assets)"
##  $ Data subgroup, level 5     : chr ""
##  $ Data subgroup, level 6     : chr ""
##  $ Data subgroup, level 7     : chr ""
##  $ Dataset name               : chr "Gross value added and income by A*10 industry breakdowns"
##  $ Code                       : chr "nama_10_a10"
##  $ Type                       : chr "dataset"
##  $ Last update of data        : chr "2022-12-08"
##  $ Last table structure change: chr "2022-03-22"
##  $ Data start                 : chr "1975"
##  $ Data end                   : chr "2021"
##  $ Link                       : chr "https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/databrowser/view/nama_10_a10/default/table?lang=en"
z <- importLabels('geo')
##               geo
## 1             EUR
## 2              EU
## 3            EU_V
## 4  EU27_2020_EFTA
## 5  EU27_2020_IS_K
## 6       EU27_2020
## 7       EU28_EFTA
## 8       EU28_IS_K
## 9            EU28
## 10      EU27_2007
##                                                                                                          geo_labels
## 1                                                                                                            Europe
## 2  European Union (EU6-1958, EU9-1973, EU10-1981, EU12-1986, EU15-1995, EU25-2004, EU27-2007, EU28-2013, EU27-2020)
## 3                                                      European Union (aggregate changing according to the context)
## 4                    European Union - 27 countries (from 2020) and European Free Trade Association (EFTA) countries
## 5                                    European Union - 27 countries (from 2020) and Iceland under the Kyoto Protocol
## 6                                                                         European Union - 27 countries (from 2020)
## 7                    European Union - 28 countries (2013-2020) and European Free Trade Association (EFTA) countries
## 8                                    European Union - 28 countries (2013-2020) and Iceland under the Kyoto Protocol
## 9                                                                         European Union - 28 countries (2013-2020)
## 10                                                                        European Union - 27 countries (2007-2013)


# Free-style text search based on the parts of words in the dataset names
## 2022-12-14 14:52:22
## 2 dataset(s)/table(s) found.
## Keywords: gdp, main, international, -quarterly
##  Database by themes >>
##  Economy and finance >>
##  National accounts (ESA 2010) >>
##  National accounts - international data cooperation >>
##  Annual national accounts- international data cooperation
## No : 1
## Dataset name : GDP and main aggregates- international data cooperation annual data
## Code : naida_10_gdp
## Type : dataset
## Last update of data : 2022-12-07
## Last table structure change : 2022-01-14
## Data start : 1975
## Data end : 2021
## Link : https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/databrowser/view/naida_10_gdp/default/table?lang=en
##  Database by themes >>
##  Economy and finance >>
##  Balance of payments - International transactions (BPM6) >>
##  Balance of payments statistics and international investment positions (BPM6)
## No : 2
## Dataset name : Main Balance of Payments and International Investment Position items as share of GDP (BPM6)
## Code : bop_gdp6_q
## Type : dataset
## Last update of data : 2022-10-20
## Last table structure change : 2022-10-05
## Data start : 1991
## Data end : 2022Q2
## Link : https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/databrowser/view/bop_gdp6_q/default/table?lang=en
## 2022-12-14 14:52:22
## 2 dataset(s)/table(s) found.
## Keywords: gdp, main, international, -quarterly
## End.
# Search based on the parts of the dataset codes
find(bop, its)
## 2022-12-14 14:52:23
## 7 dataset(s)/table(s) found.
## Keywords: bop, its
##  Database by themes >>
##  Economy and finance >>
##  Balance of payments - International transactions >>
##  International trade in services, geographical breakdown - Historical data
## No : 1
## Dataset name : International trade in services (2004-2013)
## Code : bop_its_det
## Type : dataset
## Last update of data : 2014-05-16
## Last table structure change : 2021-02-08
## Data start : 2004
## Data end : 2013
## Link : https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/databrowser/view/bop_its_det/default/table?lang=en
## No : 2
## Dataset name : International trade in services (1985-2003)
## Code : bop_its_deth
## Type : dataset
## Last update of data : 2014-05-16
## Last table structure change : 2021-02-08
## Data start : 1985
## Data end : 2003
## Link : https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/databrowser/view/bop_its_deth/default/table?lang=en
## No : 3
## Dataset name : International trade in services - market integration indicators (1992-2013)
## Code : bop_its_str
## Type : dataset
## Last update of data : 2014-05-28
## Last table structure change : 2021-02-08
## Data start : 1992
## Data end : 2013
## Link : https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/databrowser/view/bop_its_str/default/table?lang=en
## No : 4
## Dataset name : Total services, detailed geographical breakdown by EU Member States (2002-2012)
## Code : bop_its_tot
## Type : dataset
## Last update of data : 2014-05-27
## Last table structure change : 2021-02-08
## Data start : 2002
## Data end : 2012
## Link : https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/databrowser/view/bop_its_tot/default/table?lang=en
##  Database by themes >>
##  Economy and finance >>
##  Balance of payments - International transactions (BPM6) >>
##  International trade in services, geographical breakdown (BPM6)
## No : 5
## Dataset name : International trade in services (since 2010) (BPM6)
## Code : bop_its6_det
## Type : dataset
## Last update of data : 2022-05-10
## Last table structure change : 2022-05-10
## Data start : 2010
## Data end : 2021
## Link : https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/databrowser/view/bop_its6_det/default/table?lang=en
## No : 6
## Dataset name : Total services, detailed geographical breakdown by EU Member States (since 2010) (BPM6)
## Code : bop_its6_tot
## Type : dataset
## Last update of data : 2022-01-28
## Last table structure change : 2022-01-28
## Data start : 2010
## Data end : 2020
## Link : https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/databrowser/view/bop_its6_tot/default/table?lang=en
##  Database by themes >>
##  Population and social conditions >>
##  Culture >>
##  International trade in cultural services
## No : 7
## Dataset name : International trade in services (since 2010) (BPM6)
## Code : bop_its6_det
## Type : dataset
## Last update of data : 2022-05-10
## Last table structure change : 2022-05-10
## Data start : 2010
## Data end : 2021
## Link : https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/databrowser/view/bop_its6_det/default/table?lang=en
## 2022-12-14 14:52:23
## 7 dataset(s)/table(s) found.
## Keywords: bop, its
## End.
## 2022-12-14 14:52:24
## 7 dataset(s)/table(s) found.
## Keywords: bop, -ybk, its
##  Database by themes >>
##  Economy and finance >>
##  Balance of payments - International transactions >>
##  International trade in services, geographical breakdown - Historical data
## No : 1
## Dataset name : International trade in services (2004-2013)
## Code : bop_its_det
## Type : dataset
## Last update of data : 2014-05-16
## Last table structure change : 2021-02-08
## Data start : 2004
## Data end : 2013
## Link : https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/databrowser/view/bop_its_det/default/table?lang=en
## No : 2
## Dataset name : International trade in services (1985-2003)
## Code : bop_its_deth
## Type : dataset
## Last update of data : 2014-05-16
## Last table structure change : 2021-02-08
## Data start : 1985
## Data end : 2003
## Link : https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/databrowser/view/bop_its_deth/default/table?lang=en
## No : 3
## Dataset name : International trade in services - market integration indicators (1992-2013)
## Code : bop_its_str
## Type : dataset
## Last update of data : 2014-05-28
## Last table structure change : 2021-02-08
## Data start : 1992
## Data end : 2013
## Link : https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/databrowser/view/bop_its_str/default/table?lang=en
## No : 4
## Dataset name : Total services, detailed geographical breakdown by EU Member States (2002-2012)
## Code : bop_its_tot
## Type : dataset
## Last update of data : 2014-05-27
## Last table structure change : 2021-02-08
## Data start : 2002
## Data end : 2012
## Link : https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/databrowser/view/bop_its_tot/default/table?lang=en
##  Database by themes >>
##  Economy and finance >>
##  Balance of payments - International transactions (BPM6) >>
##  International trade in services, geographical breakdown (BPM6)
## No : 5
## Dataset name : International trade in services (since 2010) (BPM6)
## Code : bop_its6_det
## Type : dataset
## Last update of data : 2022-05-10
## Last table structure change : 2022-05-10
## Data start : 2010
## Data end : 2021
## Link : https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/databrowser/view/bop_its6_det/default/table?lang=en
## No : 6
## Dataset name : Total services, detailed geographical breakdown by EU Member States (since 2010) (BPM6)
## Code : bop_its6_tot
## Type : dataset
## Last update of data : 2022-01-28
## Last table structure change : 2022-01-28
## Data start : 2010
## Data end : 2020
## Link : https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/databrowser/view/bop_its6_tot/default/table?lang=en
##  Database by themes >>
##  Population and social conditions >>
##  Culture >>
##  International trade in cultural services
## No : 7
## Dataset name : International trade in services (since 2010) (BPM6)
## Code : bop_its6_det
## Type : dataset
## Last update of data : 2022-05-10
## Last table structure change : 2022-05-10
## Data start : 2010
## Data end : 2021
## Link : https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/databrowser/view/bop_its6_det/default/table?lang=en
## 2022-12-14 14:52:24
## 7 dataset(s)/table(s) found.
## Keywords: bop, -ybk, its
## End.
browseDataList(grepl('GDP',`Dataset name`) &
                   grepl('main',`Dataset name`) &
                   grepl('international',`Dataset name`) &
                   !grepl('quarterly',`Dataset name`))

■ Generated on: 2022-12-14 14:52:25 ■ Number of datasets/tables found: 1 ■ Search criteria: grepl(“GDP”, `Dataset name`) & grepl(“main”, `Dataset name`) &grepl(“international”, `Dataset name`) & !grepl(“quarterly”,`Dataset name`)

Row Data subgroup, level 0 Data subgroup, level 1 Data subgroup, level 2 Data subgroup, level 3 Data subgroup, level 4 Dataset name Code Type Last update of data Last table structure change Data start Data end Link
1 Database by themes Economy and finance National accounts (ESA 2010) National accounts - international data cooperation Annual national accounts- international data cooperation GDP and main aggregates- international data cooperation annual data naida\_10\_gdp dataset 2022-12-07 2022-01-14 1975 2021 click here
browseDataList(grepl('bop',Code) & grepl('its',Code))

■ Generated on: 2022-12-14 14:52:26 ■ Number of datasets/tables found: 7 ■ Search criteria: grepl(“bop”, Code) & grepl(“its”, Code)

Row Data subgroup, level 0 Data subgroup, level 1 Data subgroup, level 2 Data subgroup, level 3 Dataset name Code Type Last update of data Last table structure change Data start Data end Link
1 Database by themes Economy and finance Balance of payments - International transactions International trade in services, geographical breakdown - Historical data International trade in services (2004-2013) bop\_its\_det dataset 2014-05-16 2021-02-08 2004 2013 click here
2 Database by themes Economy and finance Balance of payments - International transactions International trade in services, geographical breakdown - Historical data International trade in services (1985-2003) bop\_its\_deth dataset 2014-05-16 2021-02-08 1985 2003 click here
3 Database by themes Economy and finance Balance of payments - International transactions International trade in services, geographical breakdown - Historical data International trade in services - market integration indicators (1992-2013) bop\_its\_str dataset 2014-05-28 2021-02-08 1992 2013 click here
4 Database by themes Economy and finance Balance of payments - International transactions International trade in services, geographical breakdown - Historical data Total services, detailed geographical breakdown by EU Member States (2002-2012) bop\_its\_tot dataset 2014-05-27 2021-02-08 2002 2012 click here
5 Database by themes Economy and finance Balance of payments - International transactions (BPM6) International trade in services, geographical breakdown (BPM6) International trade in services (since 2010) (BPM6) bop\_its6\_det dataset 2022-05-10 2022-05-10 2010 2021 click here
6 Database by themes Economy and finance Balance of payments - International transactions (BPM6) International trade in services, geographical breakdown (BPM6) Total services, detailed geographical breakdown by EU Member States (since 2010) (BPM6) bop\_its6\_tot dataset 2022-01-28 2022-01-28 2010 2020 click here
7 Database by themes Population and social conditions Culture International trade in cultural services International trade in services (since 2010) (BPM6) bop\_its6\_det dataset 2022-05-10 2022-05-10 2010 2021 click here
# Producing a table of datasets which (1) include a dimension `sizeclas`
# (i.e. firm size class) and (2) some data for firms with fewer than 10 employees
# (`sizeclas` code "LT10") and (3) have sectorial data (i.e. include a
# dimension `nace_r2`).
metab <- importMetabase()
## Downloading Eurostat Metabase

## Uncompressing (extracting)

## Importing (reading into memory)
codes_with_nace <- metab %>% 
    subset(Dim_name=='nace_r2') %>%
    extract2('Code') %>%
final_codes <- metab %>%
    subset(Dim_name=='sizeclas' & Dim_val=='LT10' &
               Code %in% codes_with_nace) %>%
    extract2('Code') %>%
importDataList() %>%
    subset(Code %in% final_codes) %>%
    as.EurostatDataList %>%
    # the `SearchCriteria` argument below is optional
    print(SearchCriteria =
              'those including data on firms with fewer than 10 employees and NACE Rev.2 disaggregation') 

■ Generated on: 2022-12-14 14:52:31 ■ Number of datasets/tables found: 7 ■ Search criteria: those including data on firms with fewer than 10 employees and NACE Rev.2 disaggregation

Row Data subgroup, level 0 Data subgroup, level 1 Data subgroup, level 2 Data subgroup, level 3 Data subgroup, level 4 Data subgroup, level 5 Dataset name Code Type Last update of data Last table structure change Data start Data end Link
1 Database by themes Population and social conditions Labour market Labour costs Labour cost surveys Labour costs survey - NACE Rev. 2 activity Labour cost, wages and salaries, direct remuneration (excluding apprentices) by NACE Rev. 2 activity lc\_ncost\_r2 dataset 2022-12-08 2022-09-15 2008 2020 click here
2 Database by themes Population and social conditions Labour market Labour costs Labour cost surveys Labour costs survey - NACE Rev. 2 activity Structure of labour cost by NACE Rev. 2 activity - % of total cost lc\_nstruc\_r2 dataset 2022-12-08 2022-09-15 2008 2020 click here
3 Database by themes Population and social conditions Labour market Labour costs Labour cost surveys Labour costs survey - NACE Rev. 2 activity Number of employees, hours worked and paid, by working time and NACE Rev. 2 activity lc\_nnum1\_r2 dataset 2022-12-08 2022-09-15 2008 2020 click here
4 Database by themes Population and social conditions Labour market Labour costs Labour cost surveys Labour costs survey - NACE Rev. 2 activity Average hours worked and paid per employee, by working time and NACE Rev. 2 activity lc\_nnum2\_r2 dataset 2022-12-08 2022-09-15 2008 2020 click here
5 Database by themes Population and social conditions Labour market Labour costs Labour cost surveys Labour costs survey - NACE Rev. 2 activity Number of statistical units selected for the survey, by NACE Rev. 2 activity lc\_nstu\_r2 dataset 2022-12-08 2022-09-15 2008 2020 click here
6 Database by themes International trade International trade in goods - trade by enterprise characteristics (TEC) Trade by NACE Rev. 2 activity and enterprise size class ext\_tec01 dataset 2022-11-11 2022-11-07 2012 2020 click here
7 Database by themes International trade International trade in services Services trade by enterprise characteristics (STEC) by NACE Rev.2 activities and enterprise size class ext\_stec01 dataset 2022-08-15 2013 2019 click here

New parameter filters

To reduce the download size and time if full dataset not needed, e.g.:

subset_of__bop_its6_det <-
               # New -- download only subset of available data
               filters = list(geo=c('AT','BG'), # these two countries
                              TIME_PERIOD=2014:2020, # only that period
                              bop_item='SC')) # only "Services: Transport"
## Downloading Eurostat dataset bop_its6_det

## Importing (reading into memory)
## Classes 'EurostatDataset' and 'data.frame':  4368 obs. of  9 variables:
##  $ freq       : Factor w/ 1 level "A": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##  $ currency   : Factor w/ 1 level "MIO_EUR": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##  $ bop_item   : Factor w/ 1 level "SC": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##  $ stk_flow   : Factor w/ 3 levels "BAL","CRE","DEB": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##  $ partner    : Factor w/ 117 levels "ACP","ACP_AFR",..: 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 ...
##  $ geo        : Factor w/ 2 levels "AT","BG": 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 ...
##  $ TIME_PERIOD: Factor w/ 7 levels "2014","2015",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##  $ value_     : num  -220.7 -110.7 -62.7 -47.3 -241 ...
##  $ flags_     : chr  "" "" "" "" ...
##  - attr(*, "EurostatDatasetCode")= chr "bop_its6_det"
##  - attr(*, "DownloadTime")= POSIXct[1:1], format: "2022-12-14 14:52:33"


## Downloading Eurostat Metabase

## Uncompressing (extracting)

## Importing (reading into memory)

## Downloading Eurostat labels for geo

## Downloading Eurostat labels for na_item

## Downloading Eurostat labels for time

## Downloading Eurostat labels for unit

##      Dim_name                  Dim_name_label        Dim_val
##   1:      geo Geopolitical entity (reporting)             AL
##   2:      geo Geopolitical entity (reporting)             AT
##   3:      geo Geopolitical entity (reporting)             BA
##   4:      geo Geopolitical entity (reporting)             BE
##   5:      geo Geopolitical entity (reporting)             BG
##  ---                                                        
## 154:     unit                 Unit of measure       PD15_NAC
## 155:     unit                 Unit of measure PD_PCH_PRE_EUR
## 156:     unit                 Unit of measure PD_PCH_PRE_NAC
## 157:     unit                 Unit of measure       PYP_MEUR
## 158:     unit                 Unit of measure       PYP_MNAC
##                                                                                 Dim_val_label nama_10_gdp
##   1:                                                                                  Albania        TRUE
##   2:                                                                                  Austria        TRUE
##   3:                                                                   Bosnia and Herzegovina        TRUE
##   4:                                                                                  Belgium        TRUE
##   5:                                                                                 Bulgaria        TRUE
##  ---                                                                                                     
## 154:                             Price index (implicit deflator), 2015=100, national currency        TRUE
## 155:              Price index (implicit deflator), percentage change on previous period, euro        TRUE
## 156: Price index (implicit deflator), percentage change on previous period, national currency        TRUE
## 157:                                                       Previous year prices, million euro        TRUE
## 158:                                 Previous year prices, million units of national currency        TRUE
describe('nama_10_gdp', wide=TRUE)
##    Dim_name                         Dim_name_label nama_10_gdp
## 1:      geo        Geopolitical entity (reporting)        TRUE
## 2:  na_item National accounts indicator (ESA 2010)        TRUE
## 3:     time                         Period of time        TRUE
## 4:     unit                        Unit of measure        TRUE
##                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Dim_values
## 1:                                                                                                                                     EU27_2020, EU28, EU15, EA, EA19, EA12, BE, BG, CZ, DK, DE, EE, IE, EL, ES, FR, HR, IT, CY, LV, LT, LU, HU, MT, NL, AT, PL, PT, RO, SI, SK, FI, SE, IS, LI, NO, CH, UK, ME, MK, AL, RS, TR, BA, XK
## 2:                                                                                              B1GQ, B1G, P3, P3_S13, P31_S13, P32_S13, P31_S14_S15, P31_S14, P31_S15, P41, P5G, P51G, P52_P53, P52, P53, P6, P61, P62, P7, P71, P72, B11, B111, B112, D1, D11, D12, B2A3G, D2X3, D2, D3, D21X31, D21, D31, YA1, YA0, YA2, P3_P5, P3_P6
## 3:                                              2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998, 1997, 1996, 1995, 1994, 1993, 1992, 1991, 1990, 1989, 1988, 1987, 1986, 1985, 1984, 1983, 1982, 1981, 1980, 1979, 1978, 1977, 1976, 1975
compare('nama_10_gdp', 'nama_10_a64')
## Downloading Eurostat labels for nace_r2

##      Dim_name                  Dim_name_label        Dim_val
##   1:      geo Geopolitical entity (reporting)             AL
##   2:      geo Geopolitical entity (reporting)             AT
##   3:      geo Geopolitical entity (reporting)             BA
##   4:      geo Geopolitical entity (reporting)             BE
##   5:      geo Geopolitical entity (reporting)             BG
##  ---                                                        
## 251:     unit                 Unit of measure       PD15_NAC
## 252:     unit                 Unit of measure PD_PCH_PRE_EUR
## 253:     unit                 Unit of measure PD_PCH_PRE_NAC
## 254:     unit                 Unit of measure       PYP_MEUR
## 255:     unit                 Unit of measure       PYP_MNAC
##                                                                                 Dim_val_label nama_10_gdp nama_10_a64
##   1:                                                                                  Albania        TRUE        TRUE
##   2:                                                                                  Austria        TRUE        TRUE
##   3:                                                                   Bosnia and Herzegovina        TRUE        TRUE
##   4:                                                                                  Belgium        TRUE        TRUE
##   5:                                                                                 Bulgaria        TRUE        TRUE
##  ---                                                                                                                 
## 251:                             Price index (implicit deflator), 2015=100, national currency        TRUE        TRUE
## 252:              Price index (implicit deflator), percentage change on previous period, euro        TRUE        TRUE
## 253: Price index (implicit deflator), percentage change on previous period, national currency        TRUE        TRUE
## 254:                                                       Previous year prices, million euro        TRUE        TRUE
## 255:                                 Previous year prices, million units of national currency        TRUE        TRUE