For NonJava languages:
- please go to .\src\main<language>
- chose your language
- and follow instructions
For Java:
- setup Java (JDK 7 or 8)
- setup JAVA_HOME variable
- setup Maven3
- setup M2_HOME variable
- setup Path variable
- open cmd and run command 'mvn -version' it should print valid java and maven location
- import this project as Maven project into Intellij Idea (Eclipse/ is not recommended)
- please install Engine dependency
- on page http://server/codenjoy-contest/help
- you can download zip with dependency
- server = server_host_ip:8080 server ip inside your LAN
- server = if you play on
- on this page you can also read game instructions
- you can download zip with dependency
- on page http://server/codenjoy-contest/help
- register your hero on server http://server/codenjoy-contest/register
- in class .\src\main\java\com\codenjoy\dojo\bomberman\client\
- put your email into USER_NAME constant instead of ''
- implement logic inside method
- public String get(Board board) {
- run main method of YourSolver class
- if you play on LAN please uncomment line
- WebSocketRunner.runOnServer("", // to use for local server
- and write valid server_host_ip instead of
- this line you can use for connect to server
-, // to use for server
- if you play on LAN please uncomment line
- on page http://server/codenjoy-contest/board/game/bomberman you can check the leaderboard - your bot should move
- if something changed - restart the process
- warning! only one instance of YourSolver class you can run per player - please check this
- in class .\src\main\java\com\codenjoy\dojo\bomberman\client\
- you can add you own methods for work with board
- in test package .\src\test\java\com\codenjoy\dojo\bomberman\client
- you can write yor own test
- Codenjoy!