
CLI tool to migrate inline entities to remote.

Primary LanguageGo

Harness Migration Utility: Inline to Remote Entities


The Harness Migration Utility is a tool designed to facilitate the migration of inline entities to remote entities. This document provides a comprehensive guide on the prerequisites, usage, and supported entities for the utility.


Before running this utility tool, ensure that you have a Git connector on your account with the appropriate permissions.

If you are providing the identifier of your Git connector, prefix it with 'account' or 'org' if the connector is not located under the project.

For migrating multiple projects, use an account or org level connector that has access to all projects.


The utility can be run in two ways: by providing a Configuration YAML file or by providing CLI arguments.

Config File

The configuration file contains the following information:

accountIdentifier: AccountIdentifier # Your Account ID
apiKey: pat.xxx.yyy.zzz # Your PAT/SAT token
targetProjects: # Target specific projects by providing their identifiers here
  - "target_project1" 
  - "target_project2"
excludeProjects: # Exclude specific projects by providing their identifiers here
  - "exclude_project1"
  - "exclude_project2"
targetServices: # Similar to projects, we can target specific services
  - "service1": "project1" # Difference is we need to provide Service and Project ID
  - "service2": "project2"
excludeServices: # Exclude specific services by providing Service and Project IDs
  - "exclude_service1": "project1"
  - "exclude_service2": "project2"
gitDetails: # Setup remote location for pipelines/templates here
  branch_name: "migration" # Branch must exist before running 
  commit_message: "Migrating pipelines from inline to remote" # Your commit message
  connector_ref: "account.HarnessRemoteTest" # Git Connector Identifiers
  repo_name: "HarnessRemoteTest" # Your Repo name
  branch: "migration" # Branch is required to push File Store files
  # More Configuration (optional)
  url: "https://github.com/aleksa11010/FileStore.git" # Provide Repo URL
  organization: "default" # Connector settings
  project: "migration_project" # Connector settings
  connector_ref: "account.Connector2" # Connector Identifier


  • If you provide Org and Project settings, the utility will attempt to pull the connector from there.
  • If you are doing all projects on an account, we suggest using account level connector.

If no repo URL is provided, the connector from GitDetails/FileStoreConfig will be used to pull the URL from the spec.

Running the Migration Utility

You can run the migration utility using the following commands:

Run for all supported entities:

./harness-remote-migrator -config /path/to/config.yaml -all

Run ONLY for pipelines:

./harness-remote-migrator -config /path/to/config.yaml -pipelines

Run ONLY for input sets:

./harness-remote-migrator -config /path/to/config.yaml -inputsets

Run ONLY for templates:

./harness-remote-migrator -config /path/to/config.yaml -templates

Run ONLY for environments:

./harness-remote-migrator -config /path/to/config.yaml -environments

Run ONLY for infrastructure definition:

./harness-remote-migrator -config /path/to/config.yaml -infraDef

Run ONLY for file store:

./harness-remote-migrator -config /path/to/config.yaml -filestore

Run Service Manifest migration - MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY file store flag:

./harness-remote-migrator -config /path/to/config.yaml -filestore -service

If the service has remote manifest already - we need to force the update to new file store location

./harness-remote-migrator -config /path/to/config.yaml -filestore -service -update-service

You can use any combination of above commands.

Utility Commands

URL Encoding for strings

  • You can use the flag url-encode-string to enable the URL friendly encoding of remote paths

CG Like Folder structure

  • You can use the flag alt-path to enable the CG-like folder structure in Git.

Custom Remote Path

  • You can use the flag custom-remote-path to point where to save YAMLs inside the remote repository.
  • When using this argument you should avoid running multiple migrations at same time or all the files will be stored at the same path.

Git Experience

Use the flag -gitx to enable support to move entities following the Git Experience folder path convention.

./harness-remote-migrator -config /path/to/config.yaml -gitx -environments

CLI Arguments

To be added

File Store Migration

The utility migrates File Store files to a remote Git repository by creating local copies from your Harness account and initializing a Git repo.

The files are structured in following order Account, Org, and Project levels. Example structure:

├── account
│   └── Test
└── org
    └── default
        ├── HelloWorld
        └── example_project
            ├── Bar
            └── Foo

After downloading and structuring the files, they are committed and pushed to repo based on your configuration.

This folder structure will be used to reference the files in your Services/Environments.

Supported Entities

  1. Pipelines
  2. InputSets
  3. Templates
  4. Services
  5. Environments
  6. Infrastructure Definition
  7. File Store
  8. Service Manifests/Values