
self driving car

Primary LanguagePython

Autonomous Intelligent Car

I present to You, the autonomous car, (almost) entirely written in Python.


  1. Old Version
  2. New Version
  3. Hardware Guide
  4. List of components
  5. Connecting the wires
  6. Software Guide
  7. Device setup

Old version


second version (video)

How does it work:

The software is communicating with Raspberry Pi via WiFi network, using sockets. Sensors, camera, and steering - each one is implemented as a separate service on socket. You can steer it with keyboard on PC, and have an live feed from camera. All of the sensors, stearing and video can be dumped to files on PC. All written in Python.

The Goal

To implement a SLAM capability, that would enable the car to map the environemnt and navigate.

Achievements of the first version.

  • Working camera feeed
  • Working steering system
  • Working IMU
  • Partian SLAM implemented
  • Using only the feed from camera, it can map the environment to "birds eye view"

Attention! This is cool! ORB-slam working on the camera feed (video):

Second version (video)

C A R E F U L! This is cool as well 2D map from the video feed (video):

Second version (video)


The third version

Third version, less spectacular

Third version was created because of the problems with the steering (cheap remote controled cars have low quality gears inside). Also, in the previous version, any manipulation of the circuits, was difficult because of the casing. Also it was difficult to get good odometry readout.

So i changed the body of the car as well as the wheels. Looks a bit worse, but is waaaaay more effective ;]

Third version has working odometry system

What can be improved:

If you would like to help, or have questions regarding the project, see here.

Hardware Guide

List of components

How to build this

First build the chassis

This should be pretty intuitive.

Mount raspberry

I used ot glue and zip-tie. Remember to orient it correct way, and leave the video connector accessible.

Next mount the camera

Mount Imu as well. Ideally youwant it as close to the camera as possible. I used some bolts and nuts to mount over front wheel.


Mount the battery and on switch

Attach the battery under the chassis. I used a cable tie around PI and created a loop underneath chassis.


Mount the drive control and RPI0

I used hot glue. Do not let cables touch the radiatior. Make it as stable as possible.

Connecting the wires

For the reference to the RPI0 pinout, use this website. I will use both the board numbering and BCM. So here is the wiring scheme (ITS NOT CORRECT - SEE ISSUE #18 ):

wiring-scheme-bb overall_wires

Some components may not match their real counterparts. Don't worry, I will guide through each component.

PI0 to Camera

This is easy; just lift the plugs a little bit both at camera and PI. The one on the raspberry is very ease to break so be careful, but dont feel bad if you accidentaly will break it. It just happens ;)


PI0 to L298N

This one is is the trickiest.

Steering pins:

Pin Raspberry BCM L298N
37 BCM 26 ENA
35 BCM 19 IN1
33 BCM 13 IN2
31 BCM 6 IN3
29 BCM 29 IN4
27 BCM 0 ENB


Pin Raspberry BCM L298N
2 5v Power +5V
6 Ground GND


The colors used on the wiring scheme are coresponding with photos.

PI0 to encoders

Wiring of the pins and ground are as follow:

Pin Raspberry BCM Encoder
36 BCM 16 Right Encoder OUT
34 Ground GND
32 BCM 12 Left Encoder OUT
30 Ground GND


When it comes to voltage, I just split the cable coming from Pin 4 (5v Power) of RPI0


PI0 to IMU

Be sure not to mix those up. They are a bit confusing.

Pin Raspberry BCM IMU
1 3v3 Power VDD
9 Ground GND


L298N to motors

Just connect OUT1 and OUT2 to the right motor, and OUT3 and OUT4 to the left. If steering does not work properly, try switching cables in the motor.

L298 to Power

Use power switch on one of the cables. Make sure that they cannot touch anything else. If you close the circuit on the battery it might blow up I also used t-dean connectors, and unplug it when im transporting the robot.

L298 to capacitor

Im using 1500 micro-farad 16V capacitor. Its polarised so make sure to properly orient it, and to put the minus into the ground It acts as a stabiliser, its not necessary but greatly improves the stability of the circuit.

Software Guide



Of course, Tonic is written almost entirely in python, so you will be needing python 3.6 at least. I highly recommend using Anaconda


For some scripts it will be necessesary to use OpenCV. No way around it. If you are using anaconda you can simply do :

conda install -c menpo opencv


You are using python, so just do:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Warning I did not test different configrations, hit the issues in github if something is not working for you.

Setting Up

There is some set up required, before you can run this:

  1. Set up the RPI0, and SLAM docker
  2. callibrate the camera
  3. callibrate the IMU
  4. Set up the settings.yml correctly
  5. Set up desired services on the RPI0(Video, Steering, Imu, Odometry), or on laptop (SLAM).
  6. Run Tonic

Seting up RPI0 and SLAM

For guide for setting up RPI0 look here. How to set up SLAM docker see here.

Configuring settings.yml

In the pc folder there is settings.yml file. Lets take a look:

  settings: v1
    build: mark2
    name: car1
      path: camera_calibration/calib.json
      type: json
      shape: [320, 240, 3]
  ip: ''

    port: 2201
    command: "python -u video_streaming.py"
    port: 2203
    command: "python3 -u steering_server.py"
    port: 2204
    command: "python -u imu_server.py"
    port: 2206
    command: "python3 -u odometry.py"
    ip: ''
    port: 2207
    port: 2205

We can divide it into three parts:

info - just some informations, not really important.

hardware - stores information about desired images shape as well as path to json containing calibration.

server - stores the configuration of services. the ip is the ip of the RPI0, fill it in accordingly. Also fill in the ip in slam, if you are not running it on the same machine as Tonic.

Setting up services

You can find the guide here. You have to be running services to access them with Tonic.

Running Tonic

python run.py -v -s

This should run the Tonic with connected Video feed and active steering. The steering (WASD keys only!) is only active when you have clicked into the window with the feed. You can run Tonic with any number of options specified in the help menu. Altough, to run SLAM you have to run it with Imu (-i).

To collect the all data from all sensors, you should run:

python run.py -s -v -i -o --dump_video --dump_steering --dump_imu --dump_odo /path/to/folder/to/dump/data/to

Each of the options is described in help python run.py -h. Remember to change the folder if you want to take new data, because it will defaultly overwrite existing data

Turning the services by Tonic (not fully supported)

There was an attempt to simplify the process of turning everything on, you can see the code used to do that in the file service_run.py.

Device Setup

This file will guide throug the usage of the rpi folder. The code was used on Raspberry Pi Zero with WIFI. It was not tested on any other device.

Setting up the raspberry

First of all, you need to e connected to the same network as the device that you will be running Tonic on. There is enough guides on how to connect the RPI to the wifi already so go and find one. Remember to put the Raspberrys IP into the settings If you will do that, you should build the device toghether, as it is inthe hardware guide

How to use this

The recommended workflow is to open as many ssh connections from your machine to the RPI as needed and in each ssh run one of the services. Yes, this is not nice, but unifying everything so it would work as reliably and would be as easy to monitor is not trivial task.



This service requires Python 2 picamera, but it should already be in your raspberry. Remember to enable the camera in the RPI settings!


So video server is very basic and simple. You can run it by

python video_streaming.py

And thats it. If the connection is interupted, you might need to restart the service.


This service is well build and designed. If your steering does not match with your hardware, you can easilly manipulate the code to get the desired output.


Nothing more than RPI GPIO and python 3


Just run:

python3 steering_server.py

If the connection is interupted, you might need to restart the service.


The imu services uses external IMU driver, minimu9-ahrs by DavidEGrayson.


This one might be tough, but the guide on the drivers repo got me through anyway, be patient, make sure that you have nabled the correct settings, and everything is well soldered and connected. the guide is here. Godspeed!

Internally this service opens subprocess.Popen to call miminu9-ahrs (yeah, i know, thats not the best solution, but I tried wrapping it in python and it took too much time). Make sure that minimu9-ahrs is working and is accesible for that script, and that it is callibrated!!!!


python imu_server.py

Additionaly, if you will stop connection with the Tonic/pc, you dont need to reset this service.


This service was the last that i have written. Its by far one of the most engineered one. The goal here was to make some unifying modules for all services, hence the server_magement module.


Nothing more than RPI GPIO and python 3


python3 odometry.py

Unifying the service (not fully supported)

There was an attempt to unify every service, so it would not need 4 windows to be managed. You can see the code in the file master_server.py.

Setting up SLAM

Create orb slam docker, using this repo