TA Helper


Create a cli that takes care of the boring stuff TA does.


Class repo

Initial set up gathers info needed to generate all the structure of the files in the class repo. It sets up structure of a class folder once, based on initially gathered information from the sign up. After that structure gets generated it then grabs the info of the github and uploads the structure there.


A bank of warmups is already prepared (because it is). When typing in a command it then grabs next warmup, pushes it to github and displays a link to it. The solutions to the warmup have to be submitted by hand though because they (at least in principle) are all different.

Project feedback

Generate feedback files structure

  • Gather info about the projects
  • Generate folders with feedback file and the project file
  • Create a gist for the feedback
  • Create a csv file with the info for inputting in the Google Sheets tracker



There is a Github action set up to merge pull requests automatically if there are no issues in the provided readme. If there are issues, it optionally sends a message to TA with the info.

If someone hasn't submitted homework for more than 10 days it sends a message to them from that point on, to remind them to do it.


Generate event fields for the newsletter, based on the info from Google Calendar.


Based on the events in the GA's Calendar there are reminders set up.

When someone has Birthday then remind the TA on Slack to get a cake or something.

When there is any other event then remind everyone with Slack Bot.


Commit initial structure to the Gitbook, but not make it public yet - leave that to TA. The structure is pretty much all the same, so it can be initially populated by program, then can be finalized by TA.