
iOS application for Clio interview

Primary LanguageSwift

iOS application for Clio interview

Further improvements

  • There is lots of code repetition between subclasses (state management, creating respective UITableViewCells, handling loaded data) of UITableViewControllers. Code could be moved to protocols with extensions.
  • When pull to refresh is used on UITableViewController all data disappears, which doesn't look good. This could be improved for example by storing number of rows for already loaded data.
  • Right now it's not possible to change date of the note. In NotesFormTableViewController there should be used a date picker for this action.
  • Unit tests should be were created. APIClient and model classes were designed to be testable (for APIClient class network provider should be dependency injected, right now it's URLSession.shared).
  • View models should be created to handle data formatting. Right now most of it is handled in Massive View Controller. 🙃
  • More error codes could be created to handle different cases.
  • There should be a warning when closing view controller after note edition without save action.