
Custom reader mode with a single request

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Reader API

Custom reader mode with a single GET request.

Image of a book

Reader is a free readability-style API built on top of Extract Article Text and uses the same random-forrest-based ML model to extract relevant body text from editorial content like news articles, blogs, press releases, and so on.

Here's how it works:

  1. Start with the base URL: https://extractarticletext.com/api/reader/
  2. Add the API key: ?apikey=44b922eee33d14781f30af26c3951b6a1e706221
  3. Add any parameters (see below).
  4. Add a URL: &url=https://example.com

So, putting it all together, you get something like this (go ahead and give it a try!):


API example image 1

Pretty simple so far, right? Let's add some parameters to get funky with the results.


Say you're not too happy with that white background and Open Sans font. You can add the following parameters between your api key and url query strings. Like this (give it a click!):


API example image 2

Here are all the customization options:

  • mode=night/light
  • font=opensans/roboto/lato/oswald/sourcesanspro/montserrat/ptsans/raleway/lora
  • font_size=24px (can be any size, just use "px" - 12px, 14px, etc.)
  • title_size=1/2/3/4/5/6 (heading sizes)

And that's it! Enjoy.


  • Add a night mode
  • Add author
  • Add bold/italics options for first paragraph
  • Add option to return HTML string