
Easy interpolations for Java & Android projects

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


tumbleweed tumbleweed-android tumbleweed-android-kt

Tumbleweed is a fork of Universal-Tween-Engine by Aurelien Ribon. To quote the parent project:

allows you to create smooth interpolations on every attribute from every object in your projects

Tumbleweed comes with few changes and differences:

  • decreased mutation of Tweens and Timelines (split definition and execution of tweens)
  • encapsulated interpolation by introducing specific type (TweenType<T>)
  • removed pooling (a constant source of unexpected behaviour)
  • fixed Circ.IN equation
  • standalone module targeted on Android with a set of available TweenManagers for a View, Drawable and Handler; a set of predefined interpolated types: color, alpha, translation, scale, rotation, etc; a TweenInterpolator bridge in order to use equations with native Android Animation and Animator
  • some utility methods and helpers


// base module
implementation 'io.noties:tumbleweed:${tumbleweed_version}'

// android module
implementation 'io.noties:tumbleweed-android:${tumbleweed_version}'

// kotlin extensions for android module
implementation 'io.noties:tumbleweed-android-kt:${tumbleweed_version}'

All modules have no external dependencies except for support-annotations

!!! Important notice for 2.0.0 version

Package name changed from ru.noties.tumbleweed.* to io.noties.tumbleweed.* (regular find-n-replace can be used)

Maven artifact group-id change to io.noties


The API is pretty much the same:

final View view = findViewById(R.id.view);
Tween.to(view, Translation.XY, 2.F)
        .target(0, 0)

Here Translation.XY is a predefined TweenType<View> (found in io.noties.tumbleweed.android.types.* package) that applies translation X and Y.

Cubic.INOUT is predefined equation (found in io.noties.tumbleweed.equations.*)

Please note that all durations are measured in seconds, so 2.F is 2 seconds

final View view = findViewById(R.id.view);
        .push(Tween.to(view, Alpha.VIEW, 2.F).target(.0F))
        .push(Tween.to(view, Scale.XY, 2.F).target(.5F, .5F))

Android predefined TweenTypes


  • Alpha.VIEW (applies alpha to a View: view.setAlpha(..)). Range: 0.0-1.0
  • Alpha.DRAWABLE (drawable.setAlpha(..), available for devices running KITKAT and up) Range: 0.0-1.0
  • Alpha.PAINT (paint.setAlpha(..)). Range: 0.0-1.0

  • Argb.BACKGROUND (view.setBackgroundColor(..))
  • Argb.PAINT (paint.setColor(..))
  • Argb.TEXT_COLOR (textView.setTextColor(..))
  • Argb.STATUS_BAR (window.setStatusBarColor(..), available for devices running Lollipop and up)
  • Argb.COLOR_DRAWABLE (colorDrawable.setColor(..))

Argb also can be subclassed:

public class MyObjectArgb extends Argb<MyObject> {
    protected int getColor(@NonNull MyObject myObject) {
        return myObject.getColor();

    protected void setColor(@NonNull MyObject myObject, int color) {
Tween.to(myObject, new MyObjectArgb(), 2.F)

Please note that target color must be destructed to float[4] (argb values are interpolated individually). You can do it by calling: Argb.toArray(int) and Argb.toArray(int, float[])

  • Elevation.I (view.setElevation(), available for devices with Lollipop with up)

  • Graphics.RECT (interpolates left, top, right and bottom of a Rect)
  • Graphics.RECT_F (interpolates left, top, right and bottom of a RectF)
  • Graphics.POINT (interpolates x and y of a Point)
  • Graphics.POINT_F (interpolates x and y of a PointF)

There is also special Graphics.points(List<PointF>) that creates interpolation for arbitrary list of PointF.

To receive a notification when rect or point have changed, the action method can be used:

final View view = getView(); // obtain some view
final int width = view.getWidth();
final int height = view.getHeight();

final Rect start = new Rect(0, 0, width, height);
final Rect target;
    final int targetSide = Math.min(width, height) / 2;
    final int left = (width - targetSide) / 2;
    final int top = (height - targetSide) / 2;
    target = new Rect(left, top, left + targetSide, top + targetSide);

Tween.to(start, Graphics.RECT, 2.F)

  • Pivot.X (view.setPivotX(..))
  • Pivot.Y (view.setPivotY(..))
  • Pivot.XY (view.setPivotX(..), view.setPivotY(..))

  • Position.X (view.setX(..))
  • Position.Y (view.setY(..))
  • Position.Z (view.setZ(..), available for devices running Lollipop and up)
  • Position.XY (view.setX(..), view.setY(..))
  • Position.XYZ (view.setX(..), view.setY(..), view.setZ(..), available for devices running Lollipop and up)

  • Rotation.I (view.setRotation(..))
  • Rotation.X (view.setRotationX(..))
  • Rotation.Y (view.setRotationY(..))
  • Rotation.XY (view.setRotationX(..), view.setRotationY(..))

  • Scale.X (view.setScaleX(..))
  • Scale.Y (view.setScaleY(..))
  • Scale.XY (view.setScaleX(..), view.setScaleY(..))

  • Scroll.X (view.setScrollX(..))
  • Scroll.Y (view.setScrollY(..))
  • Scroll.XY (view.setScrollX(..), view.setScrollY(..))

  • Translation.X (view.setTranslationX(..))
  • Translation.Y (view.setTranslationY(..))
  • Translation.Z (view.setTranslationZ(..) available for devices running Lollipop and up)
  • Translation.XY (view.setTranslationX(..), view.setTranslationY(..))
  • Translation.XYZ (view.setTranslationX(..), view.setTranslationY(..) and view.setTransaltionZ(..) available for devices running Lollipop and up)

These are just helpers and provided for faster iterations. They all implement the base TweenType<T> interface that is used by Tween:

public interface TweenType<T> {

    int getValuesSize();

    void getValues(@NonNull T t, @NonNull float[] values);

    void setValues(@NonNull T t, @NonNull float[] values);

For example in case of Translation.XY:

public static final Translation XY = new TweenType<View>() {
    public int getValuesSize() {
        // we are interpolating x and y, so it's 2
        // `getValues` and `setValues` methods will be called
        // with an array of the returned size
        return 2;

    public void getValues(@NonNull View view, @NonNull float[] values) {
        values[0] = view.getTranslationX();
        values[1] = view.getTranslationY();

    public void setValues(@NonNull View view, @NonNull float[] values) {

Android TweenManagers


ViewTweenManager attaches to View draw cycle and invalidates it via view.postInvalidateOnAnimation(). It will be automatically disposed when a View to which it is attached to is detached from a window.

To obtain a ViewTweenManager call:


Normally you would want to ensure that a view has only one instance of a ViewTweenManager. Since version 2.0.0 ViewTweenManager does it automatically by caching created instance with View.setTag(int, Object) call.

Since version 2.0.0 a ViewTweenManager#get(View, Action) factory method is added. It allows to run initialization of returned ViewTweenManager object before any tweens are started. ViewTweenManager comes with a predefined Action — KILL_ALL:

        .push(Tween.to(view, Scale.XY, 0.4F).target(0.25F, 0.25F))
        .push(Tween.to(view, Scale.XY, 0.4F).target(1.0F, 1.0F))
        .start(ViewTweenManager.get(view, ViewTweenManager.KILL_ALL));

ViewTweenManager will be automatically disposed when view is detached from a window.


DrawableTweenManager can be used with a Drawable (sample application heavily uses it).

To obtain an instance:

  • DrawableTweenManager.create(Drawable)
  • DrawableTweenManager.create(Drawable, float) - the second argument is update interval (FPS), default one is: 1.F / 60 (all durations are in seconds), so equals to 60 frames per second.

In order to function correctly Drawable must be attached to a View or have manually set Drawable.Callback (internally uses invalidateSelf() and scheduleSelf())


HandlerTweenManager uses Handler as a dispatcher for update calls.

To obtain an instance:

  • HandlerTweenManager.create() - creates an instance with main thread Looper and 60 updates per second (60 FPS)
  • HandlerTweenManager.create(float) - creates an instance with main thread Looper and specified update interval (in seconds, so 1.F / 60 would be equal to 60 FPS)
  • HandlerTweenManager.create(float, Handler) - creates an instance with specified Handler and update interval (in seconds)


In 2.0.0 version AnimatorTweenManager is added. It lets using Tumbleweed animations in an Android-native way (for example in custom transitions):

public Animator createAnimator(ViewGroup sceneRoot, TransitionValues startValues, TransitionValues endValues) {

    if (startValues == null
            || endValues == null) {
        return null;

    final Integer from = (Integer) startValues.values.get(KEY);
    final Integer to = (Integer) endValues.values.get(KEY);

    if (from == null
            || to == null) {
        return null;

    final View v = endValues.view;

    final AnimatorTweenManager tweenManager = AnimatorTweenManager.create();
            .push(Tween.to(v, Rotation.I, .25F).target(360))
            .push(Tween.to(v, Scale.XY, .25F).target(.5F, .5F))
            .push(Tween.to(v, Scale.XY, .25F).target(1, 1))

    return tweenManager.animator();

Android Kotlin extensions


// obtain a ViewTweenManager
view.tweenManager() // => ViewTweenManager.get(view)

// obtain a ViewTweenManager and run supplied Action
view.tweenManager(ViewTweenManager.KILL_ALL) // => ViewTweenManager.get(view, ViewTweenManager.KILL_ALL)

// obtain a ViewTweenManager and run predefined KILL_ALL action

// Tween.to(view, Alpha.VIEW, 0.25F)
view.tween(Alpha.VIEW, 0.25F)

// Tween.to(view, Alpha.VIEW), NB duration must be set explicitly
// via `duration(float)` method

// execute when view has dimensions
// will check if dimensions are present or register a OnPreDrawListener
view.whenReady {

// calculate position of a view relative to its parent
val point = view.relativeTo(parent)


// create an instance of DrawableTweenManager
drawable.tweenManager() // => DrawableTweenManager.create()

// create an instance of DrawableTweenManager with
// specified update interval in seconds
drawable.tweenManager(1.0F / 120.0F)

// Tween.to(drawable, Alpha.DRAWABLE, 0.25F)
drawable.tween(Alpha.DRAWABLE, 0.25F)

// Tween.to(drawable, Alpha.DRAWABLE), NB to set duration
// explicitly via `duration(float)` method

// apply intrinsic bounds 


// Long: convert milliseconds to float seconds
1000L.toFloatSeconds() // => 1.0F

// Int: convert milliseconds to float seconds
450.toFloatSeconds() // => 0.45F


val color = Color.RED

// convert Int color to Argb array

// can be used like this:
Tween.to(view, Argb.BACKGROUND, 0.25F).target(color.toArgbArray())
val array = Color.RED.toArgbArray()

// convert Argb float array to color
val color: Int = array.toColor()