
RaspberryPi2 based CarPC with Lexus logos

Primary LanguageShell

Have fun and stay focused on the road while driving!

My personal moderated version for Lexus with 7" touch screen.
Any questions and/or suggestions are welcome :)
I am Aleksej Mirnijs

So! How to install it:

1. You need Raspbian Wheeze!!! image (can take from here http://downloads.raspberrypi.org/raspbian/images/raspbian-2015-05-07/)
2. Install Wheeze on Your SD card (follow the instruction from !1.2.1! https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B__Rs5JF53-kNkZOOFVDVDBvb2s/edit)
3. If You follow the instruction :) You will get my modified version of CarPC.

What are the different:
Changed all logos and background to Lexus;
Added russian translation (English still availableble);
Added in interface buttons: reboot, reloadskin, settings, USB unmount and mount;
Updated Textures.xbt (modified with Lexus logos);
Added Power LED indicator;
Hard Reset/turnOn button;
Added RTC real time clock (need connect RTC module);
Chip temp controll with automated fan;
Added automated safe power off then engine turned off and the key teked out (bonus PowerOFF schematic);
Some future plans...

The starting idea is teked from (special thanks):
Andrei Istodorescu