Symfony 6.0 + API Platform + docker + docker-compose


make init - run containers

make stop - stop containers

Porto pattern

Additional rules for Porto pattern:

  1. Each container should have self models. All data synchronization executes via messages/events.

  2. Each container can use classes from other container only in SomeContainer/Dependencies folder.

There are additional components in SomeContainer/Dependencies folder:

  • InternalApi - it exposes container api for other containers.
  • InternalClient - it allows container do request to InternalApi classes of other containers.
  • InternalEventDispatcher - it dispatches messages/events for other containers.
  • SomeMessage - message/event that is sent to other containers.
  • SomeMessageHandler - it processes messages from other containers.
  • SomeModelPublic - it is public model for exposing to other container. It can be places to SomeMessage class or in response of InternalApi class.