
Simple web-market: Spring Boot, Thymeleaf, REST-service, Docker

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Simple internet-market

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This project was started in 2014 as a study for Spring and related web technologies, partly modernized in 2020-21. Since around 2014 professionally I am focused on backend development, a modernization/maintenance of this project continues occasionally. This is not a perfectly finished project, so it may contain imperfection and some mess.


  • servlet: Spring MVC Thymeleaf jQuery Spring Security

  • data: Spring Data JPA H2 Hibernate

  • RESTful service: Spring MVC Spring HATEOAS

  • tests: JUnit Hamcrest Mockito JSONPath

How to

The project is divided to modules and includes two applications:

  • Web-application, module market-web, default port: 8080

    • visit localhost:8080 and localhost:8080/admin in your browser to enjoy the app

    • visit localhost:8080/h2-console/ to access H2 console

  • REST-service, module market-rest, default port: 8081

    • visit localhost:8081/products to observe market products

    • visit localhost:8081/swagger-ui/#/ to observe Swagger API page

    • visit localhost:8081/h2-console/ to access H2 console

These applications are designed to use similar database scheme and could be run together.

You are able to open the project in your favourite IDE and simply run the main class of the application.

By default an app is started with its own in-memory H2 database and thus all the data is dropped after stopping the app. To connect to a standalone PostgreSQL database run application with active Spring profile prod.

Running with Maven

Each application could be run separately by executing the following Maven command against a specific module:

  • Web-application: ./mvnw spring-boot:run -pl market-web

  • REST-service: ./mvnw spring-boot:run -pl market-rest

Running with Docker

Both applications are packed into Docker images (available on Docker Hub).

To run the Web-application with Docker you shoukd have Docker installed and follow the steps below:

  • pull the image from Docker Hub: docker pull alukyanets/market-web

  • run a container with application listening on port 8080: docker run -p 8080:8080 alukyanets/market-web

Quite similar for the REST-service:

  • pull the image from Docker Hub: docker pull alukyanets/market-rest

  • run a container with application listening on port 8081: docker run -p 8081:8081 alukyanets/market-rest

Running with docker-compose

Docker-compose makes possible starting with a single command both an application and a standalone PostgreSQL database volume:

  • docker-compose -f docker-compose-web.yaml up or docker-compose -f docker-compose-rest.yaml up

or running both applications sharing the same standalone PostgreSQL volume:

  • docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml up

To stop the running containers use Ctrl + C. You are able to remove all the containers, e.g.:

  • docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml down

The created PostgreSQL volume will keep database state after stopping application.

Applications attributes

Web application RESTful service




Java version


main class



default port



basic URL

localhost:8080, localhost:8080/admin


user login

admin/password ivan.petrov@yandex.ru/petrov



H2 console



Swagger UI




  • Visual representation of the product range

  • Customer’s shopping cart

    • selecting a product: add, delete, change a quantity

    • viewing the contents of the cart

    • placing an order

    • storing in the database a shopping cart of a registered customer

  • Market control panel

    • products and categories: add, edit, delete

    • viewing information about placed orders

    • managing the availability of goods in stock

    • transfer orders from the "in progress" state to the "executed" state

  • Secured access to the application

    • registration and authorization of customers

    • restricted access to the control panel

  • Double check of form content: client-side and server-side

Building Docker images

To build an image run:

  • docker build -t alukyanets/market-web --build-arg module=market-web .

  • or docker build -t alukyanets/market-rest --build-arg module=market-rest .

Legacy branches

jsp-2021 - status with web views based on JSP and Apache Tiles, before moving to Thymeleaf

good-old-2014 - status for 2014

For project description in Russian from good old 2014 refer to README_RU.md