My projects

Projects in chronological order (new first):

  • Coming soon...

  • RS Scedule
    (React, Ant design, Webpack, ESLint, Babel, SCSS)
    In work
    Initial task and features (could have been changed)

  • RS Lang
    (Bootstrap, Rest API, Webpack, ESLint, Babel, SCSS)
    Project link
    Initial task and features (could have been changed)
    My contribution in 'Наша команда' section (Link)

  • Fancy Weather
    (Speech Recognition API, Text-to-speech, Mapbox, Yandex.Translate API, Rest API, Webpack, ESLint, Babel, SCSS)
    Project link (Chrome only, stop all adblockers!)
    Initial task and features (could have been changed)

  • OAuth 2.0 Presentation
    (English Speaking, Reveal.js (presentation framework))
    Presentation link
    Video link
    Initial task and features (could have been changed)
    In video I mostly try to speak by myself, but in some parts I read.

  • Spotify OAuth
    Project link
    Simple test implementation OAuth usage for Spotify.

  • Movie Search
    (OMDb API, Yandex.Translate API, Swiper API, Jest, Webpack, ESLint, Babel, SCSS)
    Project link
    Initial task and features (could have been changed)

  • SpeakIt
    (Speech Recognition API, Yandex.Translate API, Rest API, Webpack, ESLint, Babel, SCSS)
    Project link (Chrome only)
    Initial task and features (could have been changed)

  • English For Kids
    (Webpack, ESLint, Babel, SCSS)
    Project link
    Initial task and features (could have been changed)

  • Lyrics Guess Game
    (Rest API)
    Project link
    Simple app to entertain me and my friends in train or meeting. We love this band, so all lyrics are from their albums. Lyrics randomly get from free lyrics API. You should guess, what song has this lyrics line and check your answer by pressing "Show answer" button. If you can't guess, or line is garbage (like "Instrumental part"), you can try new random line of the same song. "New song" gets new random song and line from it.

  • Gem Puzzle
    (DOM generation only)
    Project link
    Initial task and features (could have been changed)

  • Virtual Keyboard
    (DOM generation only)
    Project link
    Initial task and features (could have been changed)

  • Singolo
    Project Project link
    Initial task and features (could have been changed)

  • First typical project from courses
    Project link