
Compatibility with Backbone 0.9.10

toxygene opened this issue · 6 comments

The latest version of backbone.offline is not compatible with Backbone 0.9.10.

Oh, new version of Backbone is available, thanks for remain! Going to fix on next week.

thank you very mach for this update!

I'm having an issue in my application where, the each time I use fetch, it adds the same items to the collection. incrasing size of collection by a lot due to duplicfated items.
Anyone has any idea why this would happen

The two issues probably aren't related, unless it works if you use Backbone 0.9.9.

I does work fine if I do not use Backbone.offline and instead always get data from the server. That is the weird thing

Guys, sorry about unnecessary mess with 0.9.10. Fixed all bugs: e6177ed and updated dreamy to Backbone 0.9.10, be sure that you refreshed page twice