[Deprecated] Allows your Backbone.js app to work offline
- 2
"Record Not Found" when fetching a model
#42 opened by toxygene - 3
Support Collection#parse() for non-standard APIs
#35 opened by hardchor - 10
Add IndexedDB support
#4 opened by alekseykulikov - 1
id not sent with
#55 opened - 6
- 2
Duplicate Add Event
#57 opened - 4
Fetch a simple Model ?
#38 opened by dousylanse - 3
- 0
- 1
- 1
delete que is never empty
#58 opened by t3living - 0
- 3
error on fetch/pull
#45 opened by reubano - 0
- 0
- 0 issue
#54 opened - 0
sync.push error
#53 opened - 3
Error in docs / how do I call pull()/push() ?
#10 opened by rjmackay - 0
Option to use mongo objectid generator
#52 opened by valerianrossigneux - 5
- 4
Fetch Local dont work with Backbone 1.0
#39 opened by kprimdal - 13
Future of backbone.offline
#21 opened by alekseykulikov - 1
Creates duplicate records if id is string
#48 opened by henrydjacob - 3
Server implementation
#47 opened by valerianrossigneux - 1
- 0
Bug with Storage#clear
#40 opened by danharper - 3
What about conflicts?
#36 opened by bitbonsai - 1
Remove model doesn't update localstorage?
#37 opened by bbence84 - 4
Problem updating model with id from server
#31 opened by cslarson - 0
- 4
amd, require.js javascript example please
#26 opened by jeacott - 4
Add Django TastyPie support
#32 opened by iturpablo - 6
Compatibility with Backbone 0.9.10
#28 opened by toxygene - 1
- 4
Object #<Object> has no method 'parse'
#25 opened by cslarson - 0
- 3
Save with @isNew()==true is called twice
#13 opened by ulitiy - 1
Provide convenient way to override predefined attributes id and updated_at
#24 opened by vadzimrudkouski - 3
Saving a model doesn't sync with server.
#19 opened by ekampp - 4
Is this still maintained?
#23 opened by sontek - 2
Wrap existing code with a closure
#20 opened by mdreizin - 11
- 4
Storage.clear() and Storage.isEmpty()
#16 opened by danharper - 1
Not Syncing Automatically?
#14 opened by seabre - 4
Allow passing options to the REST server
#8 opened by rjmackay - 4
reference to undefined XML name
#7 opened by jkirkell - 6
backbone.Offline is messing with id
#9 opened by gilbert - 1
git URL to contribute in README is wrong
#6 opened by jlfwong - 3
Fetch loads data from the remote storage
#3 opened by ulitiy - 3
Unwanted events
#2 opened by ulitiy