
A custom Kali Linux Docker build.

Primary LanguageDockerfile

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|___| |_||__| |__||_______||___|   |______| |_______||_______||___| |_||_______||___|  |_|

Fork infos

This is my fork of mikeflynn/kali-docker. Feel free to fork the original or this version for yourself. I didn't like the idea of using Make to start my "hacker" session, so I rewrote the Makefile to a shell script with pretty much the same functionality.

The follow features were added over time:

  • X11 socket mapping to start gui "natively"
  • vnc function to access the docker container within a browser
  • popular security related repos
  • popular hacking tools (from packet manager and github)
  • function/alias to help and speed up daily hacking tasks
  • easier integration for configuration files of your linux daily driver


The prebuild image is also available on dockerhub:

docker pull braunbearded/kali-docker:latest

The image is quite big so keep that in mind.

Original (updated)

I wasn't satisfied with any of the existing Kali Docker setups, so I made my own that has a more efficient Dockerfile and a custom set of software.

If there are cool apps that make sense to add to this, please submit a pull request so we can have the best possible subset of apps for people to spin up and use via Docker.


  1. Docker.
  2. The knowledge of what to do with Kali.

How to Start

> cd ./kali-docker
> ./kali.sh up
> ./kali.sh shell

Once the container is built and running you will are attached to a shell within docker.


> ./kali.sh help
help     Show this help message
shell    Open shell in kali container
up:      Start kali container
build:   Build kali image and start container
stop:    Stop kali container
clean:   Stop and remove kali containers

How to Add Apps

Once in the Kali shell you can add them as you normally would with apt install ..., but if you want the apps already in place upon rebuild you can edit the Dockerfile to include whatever app you'd like.

Configuration files

If you need some ideas on how to customize this docker container have a look at my hacking-handbook. It not only includes documentation for often used programs in hacking but also some nice aliases and functions to speed stuff up. See docker-compose.override.yml to integrate hacking-handbook in this container.