
Documentation part of the assignment detailing test plan creation, test case design, automation strategy, bug reporting, and performance testing strategy can be found here.

Install dependencies


npm install
# or

Test Code with Jest + Testing Library

Tests for the User Profile Page feature have been included in UserProfilePage.test.js file. Since no implementation was required the component was stubbed inside of the test file and its usage was simulated using mock data and functions. To run tests use:

npm run test
# or
yarn run test

Automation Strategy with Cypress

Page and component

In order for the test to run properly I added a basic Posts component in \src\app\Posts.jsx, with a simple UI that allow the user to create new posts and add comments to them. The component is being called in posts.jsx page located in the \pages folder.

To access the page and component in browser run npm run dev or yarn dev and navigate to http://localhost:3000/posts URL in your browser.

Running Cypress script

The Cypress script has been included in \cypress\e2e\ file. Before running the script make sure your app/server is running.


To run the script in terminal use:

npm run cypress:run
# or
yarn cypress:run


To run the script in browser:

  1. Run:
npm run cypress:open
# or
yarn cypress:open
  1. Select E2E Testing.
  2. Select a browser.
  3. Click Start E2E Testing in **selected browser** button.
  4. Select E2E specs tab if it isn't already selected.
  5. Select spec.
  6. Wait for the test to resolve.