
Another Document utils library

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Another Document utils library

Build Status Coverage Status NPM Version


How to Install

Using NPM

In order to use Anodum with NPM simply call:

npm install --save anodum

In Browser

In order to use Anodum directly in browser simply download this repository and copy dist/anodum.js into your project. Next, include it on your .html page:

<script src="path/to/your/js/anodum.js"></script>

Get Started

You are able to use Anodum as the importable npm package or directly in browser.

In Node.js

import { isNode } from "anodum";

const result = isNode(document); // result => true

In Browser

var result = Anodum.isNode(document); // result => true


Anodum exports a small set of predefined constants eg.

  • domParser
  • xmlSerializer
  • nodeTypes

You are able to use them as well as any of API methods bellow.


copyElementAttributes(element, targetElement)

Copies all attributes of element into targetElement. Existing targetElement attributes will be overwritten.

import { copyElementAttributes } from "anodum"; // or anodum.copyElementAttributes if using in browser

const sourceNode = document.createElement('div');
const targetNode = document.createElement('div');

sourceNode.setAttribute('class', 'container');
sourceNode.setAttribute('id', 'my-div');

copyElementAttributes(sourceNode, targetNode);

// tragetNode.getAttribute('id') => 'my-div'
// tragetNode.getAttribute('class') => 'container'

getElementHeight(element, includeMargins)

Calculates element height. If includeMargins is set to true the final value will include top and bottom margins

import { getElementHeight } from "anodum"; // or anodum.getElementHeight if using in browser

const element = document.createElement('div');

element.style.height = '40px';
element.style.marginTop = '20px';
element.style.marginBottom = '20px';

const height = getElementHeight(element); // height => 80px

getNodeByTreePath(rootNode, path)

Looks for an element inside rootNode by related tree path path.

import { getNodeByTreePath } from "anodum"; // or anodum.getNodeByTreePath if using in browser

const path = [0, 1, 1, 0];
const rootNode = document.createElement('div');
rootNode.innerHTML = 'text<div><h1></h1><p>target</p></div>';

const node = getNodeByTreePath(rootNode, path);

// node.nodeType => 3 (#text)
// node.textContent => target


Calculates a tree path of target node.

import { getTreePathOfNode } from "anodum"; // or anodum.getTreePathOfNode if using in browser

const element = document.createElement('div');
element.innerHTML = 'text<p>inner text</p>';

const path = getTreePathOfNode(element.lastChild.firstChild);

// path => [0, 1, 0]


Checks if element has the :before or :after elements with non-empty content property.

import { hasNonEmptyPseudoElements } from "anodum"; // or anodum.hasNonEmptyPseudoElements if using in browser

const element = document.createElement('div');
const style = document.createElement('style');
style.innerHTML = 'div:before { content: "true" }';


const result = hasNonEmptyPseudoElements(element); // result => true


Checks if element has a non-empty direct text child node.

import { hasNonEmptyShallowTextNodes } from "anodum"; // or anodum.hasNonEmptyShallowTextNodes if using in browser

const element = document.createElement('div');
element.innerHTML = 'text';

const result = hasNonEmptyShallowTextNodes(element); // result => true


Check if node is an AttributeNode

import { isAttributeNode } from "anodum"; // or anodum.isAttributeNode if using in browser

const node = document.createAttribute('name');
const result = isAttributeNode(node); // result => true

isChildOfElement(node, testElement)

Checks if node is a child of target testElement

import { isChildOfElement } from "anodum"; // or anodum.isChildOfElement if using in browser

const highLevelContainer = document.createElement('section');
const container = document.createElement('div');
const node = document.createElement('div');


const result = isChildOfElement(node, highLevelContainer); // result => true

isChildOfTag(node, testTag)

Checks if node is a child of an element with target testTag

import { isChildOfTag } from "anodum"; // or anodum.isChildOfTag if using in browser

const highLevelContainer = document.createElement('section');
const container = document.createElement('div');
const node = document.createElement('div');


const result = isChildOfTag(node, 'section'); // result => true


Checks if node is a CommentNode

import { isCommentNode } from "anodum"; // or anodum.isCommentNode if using in browser

const node = document.createComment('content');

const result = isCommentNode(node); // result => true


Checks if node is a conditional CommentNode

import { isConditionalCommentNode } from "anodum"; // or anodum.isConditionalCommentNode if using in browser

const container = document.createElement('div');
container.innerHTML = '<![if expression]> HTML <![endif]>';
const node = container.firstChild;

const result = isConditionalComment(node); // result => true


Checks if node is a DocumentFragmentNode

import { isDocumentFragmentNode } from "anodum"; // or anodum.isDocumentFragmentNode if using in browser

const node = document.createDocumentFragment();

const result = isDocumentFragmentNode(node); // result => true


Checks if node is a DocumentNode

import { isDocumentNode } from "anodum"; // or anodum.isDocumentNode if using in browser

const result = isDocumentNode(document); // result => true


Checks if node is a DocumentTypeNode

import { isDocumentTypeNode } from "anodum"; // or anodum.isDocumentTypeNode if using in browser

const node = document.doctype;

const result = isDocumentTypeNode(node); // result => true


Checks if node is a ElementNode

import { isElementNode } from "anodum"; // or anodum.isElementNode if using in browser

const node = document.createElement('div');

const result = isElementNode(node); // result => true


Checks if node is a embed element. More details here

import { isEmbedElement } from "anodum"; // or anodum.isEmbedElement if using in browser

const node = document.createElement('video');

const result = isEmbedElement(node); // result => true


Checks if node is a heading element. More details here

import { isHeadingElement } from "anodum"; // or anodum.isHeadingElement if using in browser

const node = document.createElement('h1');

const result = isHeadingElement(node); // result => true


Checks if node is an interactive element. More details here

import { isInteractiveElement } from "anodum"; // or anodum.isInteractiveElement if using in browser

const node = document.createElement('a');

const result = isInteractiveElement(node); // result => true

isNestingAllowed(element, containerElement)

Checks if nesting element into containerElement is valid in terms of html specs. More details here

import { isNestingAllowed } from "anodum"; // or anodum.isNestingAllowed if using in browser

const containerElement = document.createElement('button');
const element = document.createElement('div');

const result = isNestingAllowed(element, containerElement); // result => false


Checks if node is a Node.

import { isNode } from "anodum"; // or anodum.isNode if using in browser

const result = isNode(document); // result => true


Checks if node is a TextNode with non-empty text content.

import { isNonEmptyTextNode } from "anodum"; // or anodum.isNode if using in browser

const node = document.createTextNode('text');

const result = isNonEmptyTextNode(node); // result => true


Checks if node is a TextNode with non-empty text content.

import { isNonEmptyTextNode } from "anodum"; // or anodum.isNode if using in browser

const node = document.createTextNode('text');

const result = isNonEmptyTextNode(node); // result => true


Checks if element matches to one of the specified tags.

import { isOneOfTags } from "anodum"; // or anodum.isOneOfTags if using in browser

const element = document.createElement('div');

const result = isOneOfTags(element, ['h1', 'div'); // result => true


Checks if element is a phrasing Element. More details here

import { isPhrasingElement } from "anodum"; // or anodum.isPhrasingElement if using in browser

const element = document.createElement('cite');

const result = isPhrasingElement(element); // result => true


Checks if node is a ProcessingInstructionNode.

import { isProcessingInstructionNode } from "anodum"; // or anodum.isProcessingInstructionNode if using in browser

const node = document.createProcessingInstruction('xml-stylesheet', 'href="mycss.css" type="text/css"');

const result = isProcessingInstructionNode(node); // result => true


Checks if element is a sectioning element. More details here

import { isSectioningElement } from "anodum"; // or anodum.isSectioningElement if using in browser

const element = document.createElement('section');

const result = isSectioningElement(element); // result => true


Checks if element is a self-closing element.

import { isSelfClosingElement } from "anodum"; // or anodum.isSelfClosingElement if using in browser

const element = document.createElement('img');

const result = isSelfClosingElement(element); // result => true

isTag(element, testTag)

Checks if element matches to specified testTag.

import { isTag } from "anodum"; // or anodum.isTag if using in browser

const element = document.createElement('img');

const result = isTag(element, 'img'); // result => true


Checks if node is a TextNode.

import { isTextNode } from "anodum"; // or anodum.isTextNode if using in browser

const node = document.createTextNode('');

const result = isTextNode(node); // result => true


Checks if cssSelector is valid.

import { isValidSelector } from "anodum"; // or anodum.isValidSelector if using in browser

const result = isValidSelector('div'); // result => true


Removes/Replaced unmaintainable symbols from target html string

import { normalizeHTML } from "anodum"; // or anodum.normalizeHTML if using in browser

const html = '\n\n\n<div> test\u202F</div>\t\t\t';

const result = normalizeHTML(html); // result => '<div> test </div>'

parseDocumentFromString(html, removeComments)

Parses target html string into Document model. If removeComments is true, all non-conditional comments will be removed.

import { parseDocumentFromString } from "anodum"; // or anodum.parseDocumentFromString if using in browser

const html = '<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>test</title></head><body></body></html>';
const dom = parseDocumentFromString(html);

// dom.title => 'test'


Parses target html string into ElementNode. html should contain a single root element, otherwise a TypeError will be thrown.

import { parseElementFromString } from "anodum"; // or anodum.parseElementFromString if using in browser

const html = '<div></div>';

const element = parseElementFromString(html);

// element.tagName => 'DIV'


Removes a set of nodes from their direct parents. After removal all sibling text nodes will be merge into single one in order to prevent issues with contenteditable attr.

import { removeSetOfNodes } from "anodum"; // or anodum.removeSetOfNodes if using in browser

const html = '<p>paragraph1</p>hello';
const dom = domParser.parseFromString(html, 'text/html');

const nodes = [



// nodes[0].parentNode => null
// dom.body.childNodes.length => 1
// dom.body.childNodes[0].textContent => 'helloworld'


Serializes target document into html string.

import { serializeDocument } from "anodum"; // or anodum.serializeDocument if using in browser

const html = '<html class="example"></html>';
const dom = domParser.parseFromString(html, 'text/html');

const result = serializeDocument(dom);
// result => '<html class="example"><head><title></title></head><body></body></html>'


Serializes doctype of target document into html string.

import { serializeDocumentType } from "anodum"; // or anodum.serializeDocumentType if using in browser

const html = '<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>test</title></head><body></body></html>';
const dom = domParser.parseFromString(html, 'text/html');

const result = serializeDocumentType(dom); // result => '<!DOCTYPE html>'

traverseNode(node, onStep, includePath)

Walks trough all descendants of target node recursively. Provides specific element on each callback step. If includePath is true returns a path of target node as a second parameter.

import { traverseNode } from "anodum"; // or anodum.traverseNode if using in browser

const element = document.createElement('div');
element.innerHTML = '<section><!--comment--><h1></h1></section>text';

traverseNode(element, (node, path) => {
  // First callback call
  // node => section
  // path => [0]
}, true);