
Modular mini-synth modules in Python

Primary LanguagePython


Mini-synthesizer with modular philosophy built from scratch in Python.

Modules implemented :

  • Voltage Controlled Oscillator (and Low Frequency Oscillators)
  • Amplifier
  • ADSR envelope
  • Low-Pass Filter
  • Mixer
  • Constant

I built this mainly for educational purposes, even though it can be played as it is.

How it works

Following the philosophy of modular synthesizers, every module output can be connected to any other module input.

Regarding the software architecture, I used a graph traversal method which computes all intermediary values in the correct order.

As a consequence, each module inherits from a Node class. Nodes are managed by a custom implementation of a Directed Graph DiGraph, which register each module as Nodes. The order is computed via a DFS based topological sort algorithm.

def topo_sort(self, l = None, visited = None):
    l = [] if l is None else l
    visited = {k:False for k in self.nodes} if visited is None else visited
    for u in self.nodes:
        if not visited[u]:
            self.dfs(u, l, visited)
    return l

def dfs(self, u, l, visited):
    visited[u] = True
    for v in self.succ[u]:
        if not visited[v]:
            self.dfs(v, l, visited)
    l.insert(0, u)

The modular Rack, in which are added modules (like VCO, Amplifier, etc...) does the heavy lifting of dependency computation and update loop behind the scenes.

Getting started

Below is a minimalist example of the creation of a rack with one VCO.

from synth.rack import Rack
from synth.vco import VCO
from synth.voltage import Voltage

# Create a new rack
rack = Rack()

# Create control voltages for VCO frequency
vco_freq = Voltage(220)

# Create a VCO modulated with LFO
vco = VCO(vco_freq, fs = rack.fs) 

# Register modules in declared order
for module in [vco_freq, vco]:

# Run steps
for _ in range(1000):


python -m examples.simple

We can plot the dependency graph of this rack.


The /examples folder has more advanced usages, the most complete being midi.py, which integrated every module to demonstrate those capabilities :

  • Filter and amplitude envelopes
  • VCO with midi based control
  • Vibrato with LFO on midi CC
  • Low-pass filter
  • Real-time audio stream

Below is the computational graph of its internal representation (./synth/minisynth.py).

python -m examples.midi

Care to change your input midi device if you were to run this.


Attack-Delay Sustain Release envelope.

python -m examples.adsr


Moog-like 4-ladder resonance low pass filter.

python -m examples.filter

Frequency Modulation

LFO piloting VCO.

python -m examples.modulation


python 3.9
graphviz # for graph plotting
pyaudio # for audio streaming
mido # for midi handling
python-rtmidi # for midi handling