
ROS node collision avoidance

Primary LanguageC++

ROS node Collision Avoidance


The aim of this ROS node is to locate obstacles through the laser scan and adjust the velocity in order to not collide.

How to run

  • Copy this ROS package in a folder inside the src folder of your ROS workspace
  • from your workspacke build with catkin_make
  • run with rosrun collision_avoidance avoider

In order to test this node use a stage ros and a controller node like teleop_twist_keyboard that publish Twist messages.

First, run the collision_avoidance node with:

rosrun collision_avoidance avoider

Second, the controller with:

rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard.py cmd_vel:=cmd_vel_call

Now run ros_stage with:

rosrun stage_ros stageros <worldfile>

In this test we used the DIAG department map cappero_laser_odom_diag_obstacle_2020-05-06-16-26-03.world