
Auth0 documentation

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

Auth0 Documentation

This is the repository for the Auth0 documentation.

Contributing Guidelines

  • Read and follow the STYLEGUIDE
  • Consult the WORDS document for Auth0 specific spellings and definitions
  • Always use absolute links from the root of the site. Note, that your links should NOT start with /docs or any other base path. If the site is hosted with a base like on auth0.com/docs the links will be corrected at runtime.
  • Do not hard code links to auth0 sites like docs.auth0.com, manage.auth0.com, etc. Use variables instead such as ${uiUrl}
  • Name files with all lowercase using dashes (-) to separate words. If using a year in the file name it should be in the format YYYY-MM-DD. For example, this-is-my-file.md or this-is-a-title-2015-10-01.md.
  • Do not store images in external locations like Dropbox, CloudUp, or the Auth0 CDN. Link to images in this repo using ![](/media/folder/image-name.png). The image will get automatically uploaded to the CDN and the link will be transformed.
  • Try to keep images to no more than 750 pixels wide
  • Run all images through TinyPNG.


Reusing content

You can create document fragments that can be reused in other documents in order to avoid duplication of content. The process of including another document is shown below.

First, create your fragment document. The convention for this is to name fragments with an underscore like _mydocument.md.

After you create your markdown document you can reference it another document with the relative path.

<%= include('../_mydocument.md') %>

Additionally, you can send a context to the included document.

<%= include('../_mydocument.md', { key: 'value', something: true }) %>


Markdown on this site confirms to the CommonMark spec. Additionally, there are a few special markdown features available as described below.

Warning banner

You can add a warning banner to the top of a page to notify that a page is deprecated or other similar messages.

::: warning-banner
You message here


Panels can be useful to separate information from the main body of a document.

::: panel-primary This is a panel
Panel content

::: panel-warning This is a warning
Panel content

::: panel-info This is info
Panel content

::: panel-danger This is a dangerous
Panel content

::: panel-success This is good
Panel content

HTTP Request Snippets

You can add a HAR request format snippet to make an example HTTP request availible in a variety of languages. This will generate a tab view showing how to make the HTTP request in many languages.

Note, you need to set the language type to har for this to work. View this raw markdown document for an example.

    "method": "GET",
    "url": "http://www.example.com/path/?param=value",
    "httpVersion": "HTTP/1.1",
    "cookies": [],
    "headers": [
      { "name" "Authorization", "value": "Bearer ABCD" }
    "queryString" : [],
    "postData" : {},
    "headersSize" : 150,
    "bodySize" : 0,
    "comment" : ""
  • method [string] - Request method (GET, POST, ...).
  • url [string] - Absolute URL of the request (fragments are not included).
  • httpVersion [string] - Request HTTP Version.
  • cookies [array] - List of cookie objects.
  • headers [array] - List of header objects.
  • queryString [array] - List of query parameter objects.
  • postData [object, optional] - Posted data info.
  • headersSize [number] - Total number of bytes from the start of the HTTP request message until (and including) the double CRLF before the body. Set to -1 if the info is not available.
  • bodySize [number] - Size of the request body (POST data payload) in bytes. Set to -1 if the info is not available.
  • comment [string, optional] (new in 1.2) - A comment provided by the user or the application.


On Mac OS X screenshots need to be taken with Chrome, taking into account the following:

  1. The browser cannot show any plugins, customizations, or bookmarks
  2. The browser cannot be in incognito mode
  3. The browser needs to be resized to the standard size. Using the below script:
osascript -e 'tell application "Chrome" to set the bounds of the front window to {100, 150, 1200, 900}'
  1. Screenshots should use the complete browser window (Control + Shift + 4, then press Space)
  2. Highlighting should use color #0099CC


Sample CDN image

Note that the exception to showing the full browser window is in the case you are showing a detailed instruction as part of a tutorial. i.e. "Enter text in this field" and you are showing the field. In that case it likely isn't appropriate to show the entire page.

Test Procedures

When testing a document or tutorial below are several areas to look for.

  1. Ensure that the code in the tutorials is correct and functions as expected
  2. Ensure that the steps (1..n) are in an order that makes sense and that there are no missing or duplicate steps.
  3. Check for broken links
  4. Check for old screenshots (both in auth0's dashboard/product and on referenced third-party sites)
  5. Ensure that the code in the seed project that you download functions as expected
  6. Check for outdated dependencies (both auth0 dependencies and third-party i.e. node modules, nuget packages, gems, etc.)

Review Apps

If you have access to the Auth0 heroku account, you can create a preview release for you pull requests. To do so, login to Heroku and open the auth0-docs-content pipeline.

  1. Next find the Review App for your pull request and click the "Create Review App" button. Create Review App
  2. Once the app starts deploying you will see the status of your Pull Request updating. The deployment takes about 5 minutes. Requested Deployment
  3. Once the deployment has completed you will see the status change. You can click the link to open your preview site. Deployed


All quickstart data comes directly from the docs API at /meta/quickstart. This means that the quickstart on docs and manage will both consume the same datasource and will always be up to date. To add a new quickstart you simply need to add the markdown document in the appropriate folder: server-apis, server-platforms, native-platforms, or client-platforms. The only requirement is that you need to specify the correct front matter.

For all quickstart docs, provide the following:

title: Document Title
name: Quickstart Name
image: //cdn.auth0.com/path/to/icon.png
thirdParty: true|false  # For server apis only
hybrid: true|false # For native platforms only
  dependencies: folder/dependencies.html
  setup: folder/app.js
  use: folder/login.js

For each quickstart you must specify the snippets and create the associated snippet file in the /snippets folder. You must provide all three snippets for each quickstart: dependencies, setup, and use. To include the snippet in the quickstart document simply reference it:


After you publish the doc update, the new quickstart will automatically appear on both docs and manage.

Additionally, the quickstart configuration is also in this repository here: quickstart.yml.

Updates Feed

Publishing content updates is fairly easy. Just create a yml file in the /updates folder in the format YYYY-MM-DD.yml. The document should be in the following format. There are three sections of content added, changed, and fixed. If you are releasing a new thing (such as a new tutorial, document, or new version of an SDK) put it here. Otherwise use changed or fixed.

    title: "Name of new thing"
      - tag1
      - tag2
    description: |
      The description can be as long as it needs, but keep it reasonable. If you need more you should probably write a separate document. Descriptions can contain markdown such as [link](https://auth0.com) or `code snippets`.
    title: "Name of update"
      - tag1
      - tag2
    description: |
      The description can be as long as it needs, but keep it reasonable. If you need more you should probably write a separate document. Descriptions can contain markdown such as [link](https://auth0.com) or `code snippets`.
    title: "Name of thing that changed or was removed"
      - tag1
      - tag2
    description: |
      The description can be as long as it needs, but keep it reasonable. If you need more you should probably write a separate document. Descriptions can contain markdown such as [link](https://auth0.com) or `code snippets`.
    title: "Name of bug fixed"
      - tag1
      - tag2
    description: |
      The description can be as long as it needs, but keep it reasonable. If you need more you should probably write a separate document. Descriptions can contain markdown such as [link](https://auth0.com) or `code snippets`.


WARNING: This API is for Auth0 internal use only. You should not rely on the docs API for anything. There is NO SLA or support for the document API.

All document content is accessible through the docs API as well as through regular HTML.

To request a document in embedded format (i.e. no template html) to embed externally simply append ?e=1 to any url.

To request a document in the framed format (i.e. no header, footer, or naviation) to use in a window popup or an iframe simply append ?framed=1 to any url.

To request content in JSON or JSONP format simply pass the header Accept: 'application/json' and optionally specify a ``?callback=foo` query parameter for JSONP.

In the JSON or JSONP responses you can also request the document metadata by appending ?m=1 to the query.

Code snippets

Code snippets are available both through the API and to use in markdown docs.

Access via API:

GET: /docs/meta/snippets/{hash} Response:

  "title": "{title}",
  "content": "{<pre><code class="{class}">{code}</code></pre> }",
  "hash": "{hash}"
  "additional_metadata": ""

Use in markdown docs:



Connections are available both through the API and to use in markdown docs.

Access via API:

GET: /docs/meta/connections GET: /docs/meta/connections/{type} GET: /docs/meta/connections/{type}/{connection} Response:

  "title": "{title}",
  "hash": "{hash}",
  "url": "https://auth0.com/docs/path/to/doc",
  "image": "https://cdn.auth0.com/docs/path/to/image.png",
  "type": "database|social|enterprise",
  "alias": [

Parameter Aliases

When writing docs you can use the following variables instead of hard coding these values. Within any markdown document simply use ${variableName} to reference the value.

Documents metadata properties

  • sitemap: (Boolean) Instruct when to skip indexation into the sitemap.xml. Defaults to true.
  • public: (Boolean) Disables the document from being rendered through a public url or showing in the sitemap. Document still available in the APIs, etc.. Defaults to true.

Common Variables

Variable Description Default Value
uiURL The url to the management portal. https://manage.auth0.com
auth0js_url The url to the auth0.js CDN location.
auth0js_url_no_scheme The url to the auth0.js CDN location without the 'https:'.
auth0_angular_url The url to the auth0 angular script CDN location.
auth0_angular_url_no_scheme The url to the auth0 angular script in the CDN location without the 'https://'.
widget_url The url to the Lock script CDN location.
widget_url_no_scheme The url to the Lock script CDN location without the 'https:'.
lock_passwordless_url The url to the Passwordless Lock script CDN location.

User Specific Variables

Variable Description Default Value
account.appName The name of the current Auth0 app. `YOUR_APP_NAME'
account.tenant The name of the current Auth0 tenant. `YOUR_TENANT'
account.namespace The name of the current Auth0 namespace. YOUR_NAMESPACE
account.clientId The Client ID of the current Auth0 app. YOUR_CLIENT_ID
account.clientSecret The Client Secret of the current Auth0 app. YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET
account.callback The first callback URL of the current Auth0 app. http://YOUR_APP.auth0.com/callback

Issue Reporting

If you have found a bug or if you have a feature request, please report them at this repository issues section. Please do not report security vulnerabilities on the public GitHub issue tracker. The Responsible Disclosure Program details the procedure for disclosing security issues.




This project is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.