
That is my first app made with shiny.

If you want run this application you should first:

Install shiny in your R environment,

Download the two main data files:

  • tcar.csv
  • tprice.csv Both of them are in the repo

Download the ui.r and the server.R scripts.

How to use the app.

On the left side bar you will see three data input types:

  • Kilometers you wanna drive. This is an integer input.
  • Box with a list of cars you can drive.
  • A button to submit your choices.

On the right side you will see your choices and a table with three columns.

  • first column is country name
  • second column is price of gas per litre
  • third column is the amout of cache you'll spend in each country to drive the km range you want.

Code explanation

In the server.R file the main function (called myfunction()) is to get the km value input and the input car chosen. Then perform a calculation based in fuel consumption of each car and gas price in some contries.