Crypto To USD


GET /api/crypto/{currency}/usd

GET /api/crypto/{currency}/usd/{amount}
    - {amount} being the USD value, decimals allowed.
Supported {currency} macros are
    - btc
    - ltc
    - eth


- Assuming you're using margin.type flat with a margin.value of 200

GET /api/crypto/{currency}/usd
    "price": 10000,
    "margin": {
        "buy": 10200, 
        "sell": 9800 

- Assuming you're using margin.type percentage with a margin.value of 10

GET /api/crypto/{currency}/usd
    "price": 10000,
    "margin": {
        "buy": 11000,
        "sell": 9000

- Assuming you set {amount} as 100 and BitCoin is worth 9,488.34 USD

GET /api/crypto/{currency}/usd/{amount}
    "amount": 0.01054741

Application Property Values

    - Supported types are
        - flat
            - This will return a "margin" (or a "fee") which will use the property xxx.margin.value as a **whole** value.
        - percentage
            - This will return a "margin" (or a "fee") which will use the property xxx.margin.value as a percentage.