
Ansible playbook for dynamic configuration of NTP or DNS based on client IP address class.

Dynamic set NTP or DNS based on destination IP

Ansible playbook to dynamic set NTP or DNS based on client/server destination IP.

note: You could of course use group_vars to get the same result.

Role Variables

Edit the /var/main.yml file and change the IPs of your dns or ntp servers. Base on the first 2 octets of the IP the client/server has, it will configure the settings.

in case the 1st 2 octets does not suits your needs, change the template regex.


Variables for resolv

nameserverXX: 192.168.x.x 
nameserverXY: 192.169.x.x 

Variables for ntp

ntpserver1: ntp1.domain.local
ntpserver2: ntp2.domain.local
ntpserver3: ntp3.domain.local

Example code for ntp j2

{% if "192.168" in ansible_all_ipv4_addresses[0].split(".")[0:2]|join(".")  %}
server {{ ntpserver1 }}  iburst
server {{ ntpserver2 }}  iburst
server {{ ntpserver3 }}  iburst

Supported platforms

RedHat/CentOS 6.x



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